Black Lives Matter: We Saw It Coming, Now Here’s What’s Coming Next - Breitbart
Breitbart News has given #BlackLivesMatter more detailed, deep, and honest coverage than any other media outlet on the planet in 2015, and for good reason. From covering every major protest they did to ◼
exposing the cop killer that the group worships to revealing the ◼
secret funder behind the movement to Milo Yiannopoulos’s ◼
complete shredding of activist Shaun King, Breitbart News has been the go-to source for original reporting on Black Lives Matter....
We’ve seen universities from coast-to-coast bullied into staff firings and policy changes that were meant to only aid black students. These college uprisings have been accompanied by a fierce hatred of free speech; and when combined with the bold aggressiveness of multicultural and feminist Social Justice Warriors, they’ve created an educational environment that is openly hostile to white students and faculty.
With the next presidential election only 11 months away, conservatives and Republicans would be making a huge mistake to ignore the Black Lives Matter movement.
At the close of 2015, the pot is getting ready to boil over....
The engine that drives the anger is the mainstream media, which has done nothing to seriously vet the Black Lives Matter movement. Much of the anger is caused by the inaccurate reporting that consistently vilifies the police and leaves out key details about the shooting victims. This has led to fables such as “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot,” which have continued to be amplified and repeated by Black Lives Matter protesters long after they have been debunked.
In fact, one of the key characteristics of the Black Lives Matter movement and the mainstream media’s reporting on it is a naked antipathy for facts. Both in real life and on social media like Twitter, leading Black Lives Matter activists are known for shutting down the speech of dissenting opinions and literally blocking anyone who disagrees with them.
The result has been a hermetically sealed activist movement that is angry and ignorant, with a hairtrigger temper and a long list of grievances that have no factual basis. Worse, their set of crazed demands have been granted time and again by officials who are too scared to speak out for fear of being branded racists.
Like spoiled children, none of this appeasement has done anything to quell the protesters’ fury. Every time that politicians or university administrators have given into the outrageous, entitled Black Lives Matter mob, they’ve learned that feeding that monster has only given it more power to make more demands....
...the current political season is set to be even more divisive than either of the last two election cycles, which had already set a very high bar for vitriol.
As the newest incarnation of the activist Left, Black Lives Matter will not back down or rest until it is either stopped by somone gutsy enough to call them out or until it gets what it wants: a bloody revolution leading to a socialist/anarchist America.