LATEST OBAMA LIE> From the man who said you could keep your health plan.... The $400 mill payment to #Iran WASN'T a ransom payment.
— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) August 4, 2016
Obama on Iran Payment: 'Some Kind of Spy Novel... Because Cash Was Exchanged?' #politics
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) August 5, 2016
BOOM=>PROOF OBAMA LIED- US Iranian Hostage Abedini Says Iran Held Plane on Tarmac Until Ransom Plane Arrived(VIDEO)
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) August 4, 2016
Iran Claimed Months Ago US Paid A Ransom, Nobody Listened via @dailycaller
— Russ Read (@RussCanRead) August 5, 2016
Just wondering... Does it bother ANY #Democrat that Obama sent $400 million ransom to the Iranian regime for a deal they never signed?
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) August 4, 2016
Obama on Iran Payment: 'Some Kind of Spy Novel... Because Cash Was Exchanged?' #politics
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) August 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton Backs $400 Million Secret Cash Flight to Iran
— Daniel Greenfield (@Sultanknish) August 5, 2016