Saturday, July 23, 2016

WikiLeaks Emails: DNC Approved Fake Trump Ads For ‘Hot Women’ Comfortable With ‘Gropes Under The Meeting Table’

The WikiLeaks cache of 19,000 emails from the Democratic National Committee has only been online for a couple of hours, and already it’s revealing some of the party’s dirty tricks.
In an email dated May 18, 2016, Christina Freundlich, Deputy Communications Director at the DNC proposed that the Democrats impersonate the Trump Organization on Craigslist, placing a fake ad for “hot women” aimed at making the Republican candidate look as sexist as possible.

The email, which can be read (at the link), contains the full text of the fake ad. It includes requirements for employees to “not gain weight on the job,” to “evaluate other women’s hotness,” and be comfortable with a range of illegal workplace sexual harassment including allowing the boss to “grope you under the meeting table.”

The fake ad closes by calling on interested applicants to send their cover letters to “”

This is just one of the 19,000-plus Democratic National Committee email files released by WikiLeaks earlier today. ◼ The full archive of emails can be browsed at WikiLeaks’ site.