◼ BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief - Richard Pollock/Daily Caller
Now in a turn of tables, Flynn is advising presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and is widely reported as being on the short list to run as Trump’s vice president....
Like Trump, Flynn is an unconventional figure who abhors political correctness.
He has just published his first book after he was unceremoniously fired by Obama in 2014 for delivering a pessimistic assessment of ISIS before Congress. The presentation went directly against the president’s prediction that ISIS was irrelevant — a “JV team.”
Flynn could have written the typical Washington “Tell All” insider’s book about the Obama administration. Instead, he teamed up with Iran and Middle East expert Michael Ledeen in writing a serious book about the threat of Islamic terrorism titled, “The Field of Flight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.”
Flynn says he is impressed with Trump. “I have met him. We sat down and talked in his offices in New York. The first time was quite a while ago. I’ve been in touch with him and his inner circle since last September,” he told TheDCNF.
“He is very, very serious about the future of this county. He is a great listener. I felt we had a great discussion about the world.”
At the first meeting, “he sort of threw out a couple of questions to me, which I felt were very telling of his insight and his knowledge.”