Why ACLU and NRA take same side of 'no fly' gun debate https://t.co/rXJMXNNDbd #2A
— NRA (@NRA) June 24, 2016
#Fact: "No Fly, No Buy" may sound like a rational talking point, but it rejects core American values https://t.co/R54LlIflUY #2A
— NRA (@NRA) June 23, 2016
Air Marshals in 2006: Innocent people are being put on government watch lists; "That could have serious impact" https://t.co/iJtrt1wVnt
— NRA (@NRA) June 23, 2016
Key words: "They. Did. Nothing. Wrong." https://t.co/sTnPEv7NW1 #2A pic.twitter.com/aIaFhp5JOf
— NRA (@NRA) June 23, 2016