Yep, @sfchronicle endorsed #bayarea #gop legislators DO exist in #ca - @CBakerAD16
— Katie Tomarchio (@kjt231) May 4, 2016
HRWF NOTE: Catharine Baker is running for re-election in Assembly District 16. This is the TOP TARGET in the state and she is the only Republican elected in the Bay Area; It's because of her one vote that Democrats don't have the 2/3rd's super majority that they need to raise our taxes.
The campaign office is up and running. They have phone banks and they always like having people to walk precincts. Catharine would love to see our club get involved and help on any weekend before the primary in June. While for most of you, this is a drive, they wanted to let you know they have mobile phone banking which allows one to stay at home and make phone calls just as long as they have a computer and a phone.
Please think about it. Catharine needs and appreciates all the help. They can set up a link for us to start to mobile phone bank. Call Annette for details if you'd like to help.