Saturday, October 31, 2015

Nov. 3rd: Who is on the ballot?

From Smart Voter:
Note that this year, Candidates in Humboldt County were not asked to supply information to Smart Voter.

Governing Board Member; Fortuna Union High School District

Charles Ellebrecht
Charles Giannini
Richard Black

Member; Humboldt County Office of Education; Trustee Area 4

Bernadette Arwood
Loretta Eckenrode

Board Member; McKinleyville Union School District

Sara Alto
Brian Mitchell
Nicholas A. Som

Director; Fruitland Ridge Fire Protection District

Jim Hensley
Debra Lake
John Gaffin
Tina Hensley
Katherine Coleman

Humboldt Bay Harbor Recreation & Conservation; Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation; Division 2

Nick Angeloff
Gregory Dale

Humboldt Bay Harbor Recreation & Conservation; Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation; Division 5

Susan Rotwein
Patrick Higgins

Director; Manila Community Services District

Daniel O'Leary
Carla Leopardo
Carol Vander Meer
Janette Bramlett
Susan Opalach
Beverly Prosser

Director, Humboldt County; Resort Improvement District 1

David Sommer
Lawrence Evan Piercey
Nanette Corley
Susan Fox

Director; Willow Creek Community Services District

Bruce Nelson
Rodney Adkins
Judy Gower
E. B. Duggan
Tom O'Gorman
Gina Goodman

VOTE NOV. 3: Find your polling place


I've already received my California absentee ballot. Can I still vote in person?
YES! You must bring your non-voted by-mail ballot and give it to the polling place worker before voting a regular ballot.:

Absentee ballots must be received by the elections official no later than the close of polls (8:00 pm) on election day. You can return your absentee ballot by mail or in person to your County Elections Official. You can also return your ballot to any polling place in your county or by 8pm on election day.

Happy Halloween!


Friday, October 30, 2015

Billionaire GOP donor to support Rubio

PROOF: HRC Sent Classified Info...

Daylight Saving Time: Fall Back

Lawless Judges Have Created an America Where Praying Gets a Man Suspended from His Job

Robert Durst update

Double standards

Orbán publicly names Soros as one of the big drivers of Europe's huge migration crisis

Peggy Noonan: 'Impossible' to see Jeb Bush winning

"I speak of his candidacy in the past tense, which is rude though I don't mean it rudely," Noonan wrote in her Wall Street Journal column. "It's just hard to see how this can work. By hard I mean, for me, impossible."

Alan Simpson: "@RandPaul is saying some important things & that's why he's the lowest one in the polls."

Obama Set To Announce US Boots On The Ground In Syria

Report: Obama’s Paris Climate Change Plan to Cost Up to $45 Billion Per Year

CNBC's GOP debate draws in 14 million viewers. Moderators the big losers

The third Republican presidential primary debate had a surprise winner Wednesday night: The Republican Party.

Nov. 10 GOP presidential debate in #Milwaukee will include ‘undercard’ forum

Thursday, October 29, 2015

#Senate now voting on @RandPaul point of order against #budgetdeal

Some of California's new young leaders this evening in San Diego

China abolishes 1-child policy, allows couple to have two children

John Boehner delivered an emotional farewell address on the House floor Thursday

If you only watch 20 seconds of the #CNBCGOPDebate make it this @tedcruz masterpiece

"Let me say something at the outset," the Senator from Texas said. "The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media."

"This is not a cage match. And you look at the questions -- Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math? John Kasich, will you insult two people over here? Marco Rubio, why don't you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues," Cruz said to commanding applause from the audience.

"Do we get credit for this one," Quintanilla asked Cruz?

"And Carl, I'm not finished yet. The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every thought and question from the media was, which of you is more handsome and why?" Cruz asked and then paused to cough.

"You have 30 seconds left to answer should you choose to do so," Quintanilla told the candidate.

"Let me be clear," Cruz said. "The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense, than ever participant in the Democratic debate. That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks."

"Nobody believes that the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary," Cruz said.

This debate was @hughhewitt's nightmare - that the moderators would be the big story the next morning

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"[The liberal media]'s established this tyranny of thought...what @RealBenCarson said is 'I'm not playing that game.'"

Rubio: Republicans have 10 good candidates. Democrats can't even come up with one

"even in NEW JERSEY what you're doing is called rude!"

Tonight, CNBC brings you a debate between three of its anchors, moderated by the 2016 Republican presidential candidates.

Vid: @MarcoRubio: “Democrats have the ultimate super-PAC. It’s called the mainstream media.”

Christie calls Obama's DOJ "a political Justice Department" that picks who it wants to win and lose.

CNBC Comes at Trump Guns Blazin' with 'Insulting' Debate Question. But The Donald Wasn't Having It.

I will ask every American to call congress tomorrow and say enough is enough, no more debt #StandwithRand

Jeb Bush v Marco Rubio

LIMBAUGH: Washington news is a script!

Islamic invasion pulls trigger: Europe now scrambles for guns...

New PLANNED PARENTHOOD video: Doctor wants intact fetal heads for brain harvesting

Political Correctness Reigns: Half of College Students Hide Beliefs From Profs

Carson: I won't raise the debt ceiling as president

The Third GOP debate

Iran’s indecent proposal: Khamenei haggles over the price of American surrender

IRS confirms it used cellphone-tracking spying technology

Rand Paul plans to filibuster budget deal

Boehner presses for budget vote over conservative opposition...
SESSIONS: 'Appears Obama got whatever he wanted'...
BoehnerRyan 'good cop/bad cop routine'...

Another one bites the dust-9th Obamacare co-op implodes

It seems Mr. Farmer may have stumbled upon a solid new slogan for the entire law. The New York Times analyzes the "cascading failures" of Obamacare co-ops across the country:
The grim announcements keep coming, picking up pace in recent weeks. About a third, or eight, alternative health insurers created under President Obama’s health care law to spur competition that might have made coverage less expensive for consumers are shutting down. The three largest are among that number. Only 14 of the so-called cooperatives are still standing, some precariously. The toll of failed co-op insurers, which were intended to challenge dominant companies that wield considerable power to dictate prices, has left about 500,000 customers scrambling to find health insurance for next year...At a time when the industry is experiencing a wave of consolidation, with giants like Anthem and Aetna planning to buy their smaller rivals, the vanishing co-ops will leave some consumers with fewer choices — and potentially higher prices...The shuttering of these start-ups amounts to what could be a loss of nearly $1 billion in federal loans provided to help them get started. And the cascading series of failures has also led to skepticism about the Obama administration’s commitment to this venture. Some policy analysts say they were doomed from the beginning.
Doomed from the beginning. So why flush a billion taxpayer dollars setting them up? Intraparty Democratic politics, the Times reports: "Created as a concession to Democrats who wanted the health care law to include a government-run plan as an alternative to private insurers, the co-ops faced significant hurdles from the start." Liberal Democrats demanded a "public option" within Obamacare, which critics (and supporters) rightly predicted would directly facilitate the demise of America's private health insurance industry. With so many elected Democrats still peddling the "keep your plan" fiction at the time, Obamacare's government option provision was deemed politically unviable and abandoned. The co-ops were an expensive consolation prize to its supporters. Ironically, now that this experiment is collapsing, even more Americans are being betrayed by the false assurance that they'd be able to maintain their preferred plans. Democrats, predictably, are blaming Republicans for the shortcomings of a fatally flawed law that was crafted and passed exclusively by Democrats....

Obamacare supporters pledged that the "Affordable" Care Act would drastically reduce healthcare costs for all Americans. But hey, at least consumers will be treated to an "upgraded government website," two full years after crashed and burned on the launchpad.

It’s a curious move at a curious moment, in service to a curious end. Ryan should have left well enough alone.

Liberal Students Are 3x More Likely to Call the First Amendment Outdated

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lois Lerner walks, Republicans Move To Impeach IRS Commissioner

A majority of House Republicans vote to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank

I owe WHAT?!? #budgetdeal

Rand Paul: socialism isn't sexy

National Enquirer: Hillary going to jail

Here are two things that really hit home when it comes to the lengths the media’s going to help carry Hillary through the Benghazi/email/Clinton Foundation slush fund maze and all the way to the White House without falling off her palanquin.
First watch this heartbreaking clip of Sean Smith’s mother Patricia speaking with NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell:

Now watch how concerned the media (including Andrea Mitchell) are about helping families of those killed in Benghazi get the answers they deserve:

Obamacare 2016: ‘Savings’ hype masks higher deductibles, fines

The White House political hype machine kicked into high gear this week as 2016’s ACA (Obamacare) plans, prices and fine print for the 38 states now in the federal exchange became available for current and potential enrollees.

The administration is again hawking its costly income redistribution and health rationing plan as the greatest thing to happen to America since sliced bread, but the average American lucky enough to have a decent job already knows better. Cheaper prices for some policies are indeed showing up here and there.

But those subsidized prices are largely courtesy of America’s dwindling middle-class, the taxpayers who are footing much of this federal giveaway, along with the 30 percent of Medicare recipients who’ll be hit with as much as a 52 percent premium increase next year....

Not only will many working Americans find that their premiums are increasing significantly, they’ll also discover that funny little Obamacare feature that Democrats and the media absolutely don’t want to talk about: skyrocketing deductibles. It’s that little catch that will get you if you or your family happen to run into a medical condition that requires something more than routine care.

Until you meet your annual individual and/or family deductible, you’ll be eviscerating your savings accounts (for those who have them) to pick up the difference, and that can be a painful proposition indeed.

As a result, many Obamacare enrollees are being forced, in effect, to ration their own healthcare to avoid getting gouged by those unpublicized and very high deductibles....

Trump leads GOP field by double digits in new national poll

Monday, October 26, 2015

Ben Carson now up by double digits in #Iowa

Bush Breaks the Rules, Trump Breaks His Back

Ted Cruz sent a clear message to the Bush family Monday morning

Everything you need to know about Wednesday’s GOP debate

New Monmouth University poll for IOWA:

Our deployed soldiers sacrifice so much to preserve our freedom. We thank them on this day.

Mark Halperin pops out of Hillary’s birthday cake to inform the world she’s ‘most likely next president’

The Most Likely Next President Is Hillary Clinton. And Republicans are in denial about it.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Slovenia builds fences along its borders to stem flow of migrants

Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’

Ben Carson: ‘We the People'