Obama's State of Disunion - Conn Carroll/Townhall
"Over the past six years, the pundits have pointed out more than once that my presidency hasn't delivered on this vision," Obama continued. "How ironic, they say, that our politics seems more divided than ever."
At this point, even a slightly more honest or self-aware politician would have acknowledged his own role in making politics more divisive. Not Obama. He proceeded straight to a lecture on what his opponents could do to make the country more united.
"Imagine if we broke out of these tired old patterns," Obama said. "A better politics is one where we debate without demonizing each other," Obama continued. "Where we talk issues, and values, and principles, and facts, rather than 'gotcha' moments, or trivial gaffes, or fake controversies that have nothing to do with people's daily lives."
All this from a man whose 2008 campaign held the record for spending on negative ads right up until his 2012 campaign broke it.
All this from a man who built his entire 2012 reelection campaign around demonizing and other-izing his opponent.
All this from a man whose staff pounced on every gaffe and "gotcha" moment and created fake controversies like it was their job.
If Obama wants to blame anyone for today's divisive politics he need only look in the mirror....
MSNBC: ‘Obama’s Rose-Colored Glasses Not Even Close To Reality’ - Daily Surge
Obama told a lot of lies last night in his State of the Union address. There were just too many to count. Some were small. Some were huge. And apparently, Obama’s so-called foreign policy successes were lies too big for NBC News’s chief foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, to let slide.
Engel could barely compose himself while reacting to Obama’s statements that his strategy against ISIS is working (video above).
“It seems that the rose-colored glasses through which President Obama was viewing the foreign policy were so rose-colored that they don’t even reflect the world that we’re living in,” Engel said during MSNBC’s post-speech coverage.
“ISIS is doing very well, and the strategy is completely disjointed,” he added. “To sell that as a success, I think was missing the point, maybe even disingenuous.”
Similarly, MSNBC anchors Andrea Mitchell and Chris Matthews were both equally amazed at how completely divorced from reality Obama’s “rosy” international picture is...
NBC’s Richard Engel Blasts Obama’s Foreign Policy Claims as Wishful Thinking - Washington Free Beacon
Wow. NBC's reporter in Istanbul absolutely dismantles Obama's foreign policy #SOTU claims. “It sounds like the president was outlining a world he wishes we were all living in…”