ABSOLUTE MUST> So Who Does Speak For Islam, President Obama? https://t.co/y24Gm9pD91 #RogersRules via @pjmedia_com
— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) December 7, 2015
.@ByronYork: Why did Obama give that terrorism speech? https://t.co/8o5toi2mK4 pic.twitter.com/xBZbOs0hgM
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) December 7, 2015
Paul Ryan: Obama gave "half-hearted attempt to defend and distract from a failing policy" https://t.co/19f7n4oLCl pic.twitter.com/EvgkxVBE5W
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) December 7, 2015
BREAKING: Obama/Jarrett Warn FBI Director Over Anti-Muslim Tone (UPDATED) - https://t.co/sH9FkQYPxG https://t.co/ycefPFscjK
— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) December 5, 2015
Four-letter word gets Fox host suspended https://t.co/VTtBvxj4nM pic.twitter.com/rkIKDxjz6U
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) December 8, 2015
Fox analyst Ralph Peters suspended after calling Obama a "total pussy" on live TV https://t.co/bKnRrr8fvC pic.twitter.com/pQN7MhI7gF
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) December 7, 2015
AG-LORETTA LYNCH Says Jail Americans Who Don’t Stand With Islam https://t.co/TNX1hsfQVD pic.twitter.com/x3DFtWk7b8
— chadsdaddy (@chadsdaddy) December 6, 2015
Loretta Lynch: “Actions Predicated On Violent Talk” Toward Muslims Will Be Prosecuted https://t.co/6z3A1jB0MH
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) December 4, 2015
If you see something, say something. Then call a lawyer.
— Anthony Cumia (@AnthonyCumia) December 5, 2015
GOOD For GEORGE> Pataki Demands That AG Lynch Arrest Him For Urging War Against Islam https://t.co/J5UNppT2St
— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) December 6, 2015
REACTIONARY ALERT> Word Islam not even mentioned in clueless article on #SanBernadinoShooting by @NickKristof. https://t.co/S7fWCgg4mL
— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) December 3, 2015
IT'S ABOUT THE SHAME> Reason Obama does not call #SanBernadinoShooting Islamic is because HE identifies with #Islam.
— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) December 3, 2015
OBAMA WATCHWORD: Take guns from your own people and give them to the enemy https://t.co/UKMIR3dqPO
— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) December 6, 2015
Santorum: ISIS views Obama as "an ally" https://t.co/9n3acltMzB pic.twitter.com/Y1tiBJTm0a
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) December 8, 2015
Obama’s ISIS Cover-Up Gets Its Own Speech: Instead of fighting ISIS, Obama wants to fight the Bill of Rights https://t.co/T4n6EddSis
— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) December 8, 2015