Have a Happy, Politics-Free Thanksgiving - Don't take family time for granted. Ever. You never know when your t... https://t.co/69QxwOG17u
— CNSNews.com (@cnsnews) November 25, 2015
Self-absorbed creatures who have no life outside the Beltway world are the most tiresome ogres. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest advised Americans "sitting around the Thanksgiving table" to talk about gun control. The left-wing National Memo published "5 Things To Tell Your Republican relatives at Thanksgiving." And The New York Times served up its own version of "How to Talk to Your Relatives About Politics at Thanksgiving," stuffed with poll data and hyperlinks to other liberal sources of information.
The latest from the desk of POLITICO cartoonist Matt @wuerker https://t.co/GkTaipOJ2C pic.twitter.com/tR80YcSEQG
— POLITICO (@politico) November 25, 2015
October 3, 1863: Lincoln’s Proclamation of Thanksgiving https://t.co/lhLpK3d300 #HappyThanksgiving @AleteiaEN pic.twitter.com/i5QNMCQ1HK
— Bill Postmus (@billpostmus) November 26, 2015
#Friendsgiving: Millennials dominate Thanksgiving trends, 52% host dinner https://t.co/DW1SjU7IPd via @beccaroses pic.twitter.com/shSr3lSMqX
— Red Alert Politics (@RedAlert) November 26, 2015
And still...
Thanksgiving for our political blessings https://t.co/GhrjWeTnYP
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) November 26, 2015