Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Remembering Peter Hannaford

Peter Hannaford, 1932 – 2015 - Eureka Books

(W)orking with Peter and his publisher, the University of Nebraska Press, we were able to host a book-launch for Arts Alive (September 5, 2015).... We had a good turn out and Peter spent the evening talking with friends and well-wishers, and selling copies of his books. We are all shocked and saddened by his passing, but glad he was able to spend his last night doing what he loved, being an author with a new book. Peter was one of those naturally charismatic people who was liked by everyone who met him. He had led a very interesting life and was an endless source of stories, but even with his 83rd birthday just weeks away, he was still thinking about what was next. His was a full life, lived fully, and there is a lot to admire in that....

I just saw him yesterday, today he is gone. A loss words cannot do justice. - John Chiv/Words Worth

Peter Hannaford, RIP - Jim Roberts/Human Events

"I’m just one of hundreds of people with similar stories of Pete’s friendship and kindness. RIP Peter Hannaford, an unsung hero of the Conservative moment."