1) Obama: 'Our nations have a historic opportunity'
2) Khamenei: ‘Yes, death to America’
— Oren Kessler (@OrenKessler) March 21, 2015
As Khamenei feels #Iran Nuclear Deals closer, he doesn't hesitate to calls 4 Death to America!
http://t.co/niKo6tFnLu pic.twitter.com/3IH2AFfpZI
— Adam Milstein (@AdamMilstein) March 21, 2015
The WH ignoring "Death to America" is just the beginning. We are preparing to ignore a hell of a lot more in the coming weeks.
— Jonathan Schanzer (@JSchanzer) March 21, 2015
Krauthammer: Iranian Ayatollahs Chants ‘Death To America,’ But Obama Attacks Israel [VIDEO] http://t.co/VJQfbxwDLM
— Pat Peters, Ph.D. (@PatVPeters) March 20, 2015