Monday, December 1, 2014

Landrieu chief of staff caught on camera promising Landrieu will vote with Obama 97% of the time

Oops. There goes the narrative. - Robert Laurie/Herman Cain

By now, everyone knows that Louisiana Democrat Mary Landrieu marches in lock step with her party and her President. They've done their best to deny it but her record is her record. She voted with the President 97% of the time, and she's reaping the "rewards" of those decisions.

Since the President's approval rating is circling the drain, and Landrieu is headed for a probably-disastrous December 6th runoff, her campaign is trying desperately to ignore all of that. They're doing whatever they can possibly do to put distance between their candidate and their own - deeply unpopular - White House. If they're to be believed, Landrieu has gone rogue. She's now a centrist who's bucking Obama's liberal agenda.

Unfortunately, they have a little problem. His name is Don Cravins Jr., he's Mary Landrieu's Washington chief of staff, and he has a prediction to make about how Landrieu will vote if she gets re-elected....