Friday, December 12, 2014

It’s time for Republicans to do what we said — to fight to #StopObamasAmnesty

Sen. Ted Cruz Urges Colleagues to Stop President Obama’s Unconstitutional Amnesty

Headline correction: “Ted Cruz makes his mark” (#CRomnibus) - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

The differing treatment of Ted Cruz and Elizabeth Warren pretty much sums up the state of implicit media bias.

Update: God Bless Senator Mike Lee too:

Sen. Ted Cruz calls out Obama on amnesty: A ‘presidential temper tantrum’ is not discourse - Twitchy

Cruz: Let’s not play Santa to K Street - The Hill

Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions Pushing for Defund Amnesty Vote - Daily Caller

Senate objections to spending bill slowing, but shouldn't stop, final passage - Susan Ferrechio/Washington Examiner

"Every senator in this body should be put on record whether he or she believes it is constitutional for a president to disregard, to ignore federal immigration laws, and to grant blanket amnesty to millions in defiance of both the laws on the books and the voters" - Ted Cruz