◼ Socialist Group Calls For $20 Min Wage at the Same Time Paying... - IJREVIEW.COM|BY MICHAEL HAUSAM
The Seattle, Washington-based Freedom Socialist Party thinks the federal government should mandate a $20 per hour minimum wage.
This is a group that, earlier this year, also strongly supported the Seattle/Tacoma airport’s wage increase to $15, as well as the city of Seattle’s efforts to do the same.
And they are completely on board with the efforts to raise the minimum wage in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Fransisco, and the state of California itself.
In fact, the group just published an editorial on why the minimum wage should be even higher than what’s being proposed in these various places...
So, you’d expect that when looking to hire folks to help spread the socialist gospel they’d lead by example, right? Wrong.
Take a look at the job listing they recently posted on Craigslist, taking careful note of the highlighted wage they’re offering:
You read that right. They want to pay $13 an hour for a web content manager! Notice also that this is only a part-time job. As both Magazine and All American Blogger point out, this falls well below the average pay for this type of position....