◼ “I think [women are] feeling unsafe,” Brown said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday. “They feel unsafe economically. They’re feeling unsafe with regard to ISIS. What they feel unsafe about is the government response to different crises.”
Brown said Obama’s smugness and willingness to place blame has also contributed to his declining support.
“I think they’re beginning to feel a bit that Obama’s like that guy in the corner office, you know, who’s too cool for school, calls a meeting, says this has to change, doesn’t put anything in place to make sure it does change, then it goes wrong and he’s blaming everybody,” she said.
Tina Brown: Obama doesn't make women feel safe
Read more at... http://t.co/D5cIPZxA4h
— WND News (@worldnetdaily) October 20, 2014
Tina Brown: Obama Makes Women Feel 'Unsafe': On Monday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, author and Daily Beast founde... http://t.co/lubYRNI2SO
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 20, 2014
Sarah Palin RIPS Tina Brown on Obama making women feel unsafe – “Chick, you’re a day late and a dollar short” http://t.co/Lvv1gTv9mC
— Right Scoop (@trscoop) October 22, 2014