In principle, it's a noble idea. In practice, without additional measures to ensure economic development in the city, it's a time bomb that would turn Eureka into a commercial ghost town ringed by businesses whose proprietors were smart enough to get out while the getting was good.
Coming on the heels of California's July 1 minimum wage hike, Measure R is too high a jump in too short a time, one that threatens to put Eureka — hardly a thriving commercial metropolis — at further disadvantage. Fearful employers are already drafting contingency plans: where to move, how many jobs to cut.
There is no doubt that the working men and women of Eureka deserve a break. But they don't deserve to have the economic health of their community broken, and that's what Measure R would do.
◼ Measure R Vote NO
◼ NO ON MEASURE R: Fair Wage Folks” have fooled a lot of people, Measure R was never about a living wage - Jaison Chand, Eureka
◼ Local nonprofits ponder impact of Eureka's Measure R - Clay McGlaughlin/Times-Standard
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