◼ Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project report revealed the “cleavage” in American media habits, with the Left picking CNN, NPR, the New York Times and MSNBC as their sources, and the right Fox. - Paul Bedard/Washington Examiner
The report was released at midnight Monday. It was part of Pew’s ongoing effort to chart the political division in America, seen most during election seasons.
The survey, titled “Political Polarization & Media Habits,” found that conservatives are more unified around Fox, with 47 percent calling it their main source of news about government and policy. They express greater distrust of media, though 88 percent trust Fox. And either with friends or on Facebook, they prefer those with similar political views.
Liberals are less focused on one news source and trust the media more than distrust it. They are more likely than conservatives to “defriend” or block “someone on a social network — as well as to end a personal relationship — because of politics,” said Pew.