◼ A recent Gallup poll which asked Americans to name "the most important problem" facing our country shows that pet Democrat issues, such as gun control, rank near the very bottom of the list. - Awr Hawkins/Breitbart
Moreover, issues like global warming and the "war on women" didn't even make the list.
According to Gallup, the "economy in general" was the greatest concern at 17 percent, followed closely by "dissatisfaction with government" (16 percent) and "unemployment/jobs" (10 percent). These are problems for the Democrats because these things predominate under our current Democratic President.
As for the pet issues that Democrats are always talking about -- issues like "racism" (3 percent), "pollution" (2 percent), "corporate corruption" (1 percent), and "guns/gun control" (1) -- these things are near the very bottom of the list.