Thursday, September 4, 2014

‘He Cannot Bring Himself To Say Islamic’

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer bemoaned President Barack Obama’s unwillingness to call a spade a spade when speaking about the ultra-violent ISIS terrorists, accusing him of such rank political correctness that “he cannot bring himself to say Islamic.” - Daily Caller

...“He cannot bring himself to say ‘Islamic!’” Krauthammer charged. “For God’s sake, ISIS calls ITSELF the Islamic State. And yet we are so politically correct we don’t want to use the term ‘Islamic,’ lest it be a slur on a great religion.”

KRAUTHAMMER’S TAKE ON OBAMA: “The Image of a Man in Denial on the Verge of Delusion” (Video) - Gateway Pundit

Amazingly enough, all of the cable news networks called President Obama out on his ISIS flip-flop yesterday. - Daily Caller

White House Lies About Obama’s Incredibly Naive Term for ISIS and Gets Hammered with Four Pinocchios - IJ Review

The Washington Post, in its now well-known “Fact Checker” column, gave Earnest’s remarks a rating of Four Pinocchios. In other words, the attempted answer to Alexander’s question is a “Whopper.” In yet a different phrasing, it was a lie.