A rare opportunity to meet your candidates for State and Federal office, all at one event!
Neel Kashkari for GovernorTickets: $30/person
Ron Nehring for Lieutenant Governor
Pete Peterson for Secretary Of State
Greg Conlon for Treasurer
Ronald Gold for Attorney General
Matt Heath for California Assembly
Dale Mensing for US Congress
James Theiss for Board Of Equalization
Plus: California Republican Northwest Region
Vice-Chairman, Elissa Wadleigh
Light Hors-d’oeuvres No-Host Cocktails
September 6th 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at Baywood
Call HGOP HQ: (707) 442-2259 or call Annette de Modena (707) 442-2788
To purchase tickets through our secure Piryx server ◼ CLICK HERE.