Saturday, December 14, 2013
We could feed the World's poor with all the $$$ being spent on #ClimageChange agendas. But, that would actually solve problems, not consolidate control over populations.
◼ The Kitchen Cabinet: Surely, it MUST be all that #GlobalWarming Al Gore's been warning US about for what seems like forever! Having blizzards in Israel, too. Would be funny if so much time, effort and money wasn't being spent trying to keep the Earth from doing what the Earth has been doing for billions of years.
◼ Why Humans Don't Have Much To Do With Climate Change - Lawrence Solomon/Huffington Post
The global warming scientists -- with their models defunct and now acting on hope rather than science -- assert that temperatures will soon renew their climb. The global cooling scientists assert the opposite - that temperatures on Earth have peaked, as they have peaked countless times before in following nature's cycles. And that consistent with Earth's history, and with the laws of physics, temperatures on Earth will now be falling.