Monday, December 9, 2013

A 'performance artist' in San Francisco pretended to be a Google employee and shouted insulting language at protesters. Check out who the dude really is...

VIDEO: Why You Gotta Lie, Unions? 'Google Employee' Angrily Yelling At Protesters Actually A Plant - Soopermexican/IJ Review

Unions must be getting very desperate for attention. We’ve already seen the video where a union member admits to being paid to protest, but now there’s video of a completely staged angry argument at the protest line!

The Union Guardian posted the video above of a supposed Google employee angrily yelling at people protesting “gentrification” from the search engine giant, which manages private buses to get their employees to and from work....

But it turned out to be completely false after sharp-eyed social media users identified the man as Max Alper, a Union organizer from Oakland.

After being caught lying and deceiving the public, these idiots actually claim it was just “impromptu performance art”! How is it that Max looks cleaned up and perfectly fits the mold of Google employee, when in his other pictures he looks like the typical dope-smoking, unbathed, sweaty, mouth-breathing hippy?

They didn’t even let the protesters know they were going to be abused verbally by this so-called “performance artist” and they’re kinda not happy about it!


The San Francisco Bay Guardian was the first outlet to incorrectly identify Alper as being a Google employee, starting of a viral chain reaction. The news outlet was quick to correct itself once it became known that Alper was a union activist and not an employee of the tech giant.

"Why'd you do it?" we ask Fake Google employee, Max Bell Alper - The San Francisco Bay Guardian

Alper came to the protest in a backpack and dressed in a button down shirt, which some readers via Twitter and comments rightly pointed out may have been his "tech costume," suggesting he planned the theater beforehand. Indeed, his performance was impeccable, mirroring snarky and shallow comments made by tech luminaries like Peter Shih just a few months ago.

The Guardian noted this, asking him how he came to show up in near perfect costume for his tech theater. "This is what I wear everyday," he said.

Here's another case:

From Zombie at PJ Media: I rarely report on spoken words or conversations which I can’t document with an accompanying video, but in this case I’ll make an exception. As I was standing next to this guy, I overheard him say the following sentence: “I spent a year following Romney around, writing libelous articles about him and Photoshopping pictures to make him look like an idiot.” You ever wonder what hardcore political “operatives” look like? Behold.