◼ After putting Common Core implementation on “pause,” Indiana is now withdrawing as a governing member of Common Core’s national tests. Alabama, Oklahoma, and Georgia have now withdrawn from the national tests. Utah withdrew from one of the testing consortia last year. - Lindsey Burke/Heritage
There are indications that other states are growing concerned about the national standards push. An Ohio legislator has a proposal to repeal Common Core, and Florida and Arizona have voiced concerns over the cost of the endeavor.
These are good first steps. But to ensure excellence in education, states should completely hop off the national standards bandwagon. You can read the Heritage proposal for ◼ how they can get started here.
America has reached an education policy fork in the road. One path leads toward choice and customization; the other, centralization and uniformity. If student-centered learning is our goal, only the path toward choice will take us there—and that includes choice in standards and assessments.
◼ Gearing up for a new standard of teaching: Local educators help teachers prepare for launch of Common Core - Kaci Poor/The Times-Standard
”The first couple of years -- with anything new like this -- there is going to be a learning curve, teachers are going to be adjusting,” she said. “But nationwide, everyone is learning. This will be a new baseline.”
◼ Common Core’s Data Mining Trojan Horse
◼ The Common Core Agenda – Let’s Take It From the Top
Like all Orwellian euphemisms, "Common Core" is not about innocent ideas like the word "common" or the term "core." The phrase "Common Core" is used to hide the real aspects of an education policy which if articulated openly would never be taken seriously, let alone be implemented....