Executive Officers:
Carla Embertson, President
Nancy Alvarez, 1st Vice President
Patsy Nelson, 2nd Vice President
Dottie Linden, 3rd Vice President
Susan Miller, Recording Secretary
Laura Riffle, Treasurer
Kathy Rodriquez, Membership Secretary
Regional Directors:
Patricia Scott, East Bay
Marlene Nelson, Northeast
Marcia Myers, North Central
Roseann Livingston, Motherlode
Cathy Kneer, North
Gaylon Kastner, North Bay
Bunny Hacker, Santa Clara Valley
Janet Gardner, Capitol Corridor
Open, S F Peninsula
Open, South
We thank Nominating Committee Chair Olivia McCaffrey and the committee Liz Froelich, Marlene Nelson, Kim Pruitt, Laura Riffle, and alternate Ruth Van Bemmel for their hard work.
November 8 -10 for our Convention at the Marriott in Rancho Cordova. The Call to Convention will be coming out in a few weeks so be on the look out and plan to attend and help elect our new officers. We will also have a Friday night banquet to thank our out going Executive Committee and celebrate the many accomplishments we have achieved working together over the past 2 years. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your Northern Division President for the past 2 years.
Thank you for all you do. God Bless You & God Bless America!
Roseann Slonsky-Breault
President, CFRW Northern Division