Democrats and their media allies are very good at suggesting that people have problems that can be solved by liberal policies. Democrats imply or suggest that these problems — poverty, racism, violence, whatever — are somehow the fault of Republicans: “Corporate America,” for example, being a handy code, a way of telling the working class that those greedy Republicans are ripping them off. Mitt Romney was made into a proxy for irrational economic resentments, and his GOP handlers were unable to figure out how to combat this cunning theme.
Hey, guys, how about telling the simple truth? Like for example: “The Democrats are stirring up irrational economic resentments. Rich people aren’t the cause of our nation’s problems. You can’t blame ‘Corporate America’ for the job-killing effects of Democrat policies that most business leaders warned would be bad for the economy. And whatever your problem is, ‘vote Democrat’ is never the solution.”
...It doesn’t matter who you are, or what your rationalization for being a Democrat is, you learn — you are taught — to make “Republican” a synonym for whatever you hate.
Hating Republicans, however, won’t solve your problems. And the minute a Democrat figures that out, he’s not a Democrat anymore.... Much more, at the link.
Never underestimate your own influence. Don’t think that you’re a little nobody or that politicians are too important to listen to you. Don’t believe that America’s problems are so big that you can’t make difference, because you can make difference, if you try, and if you encourage the people you know to join you in the fight.
Thank you for reading, and please: Keep fighting every day!
– Robert Stacy McCain◼ Future Ex-Democrats - Robert Stacy McCain/American Spectator