Wednesday, June 12, 2013

An appeal to have an eight year-old boy's record expunged for a suspension he received for biting a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun has been denied

7-year old Pop-Tart gun offender loses first appeal - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

We will keep an eye on the legal developments of the Pop-Tart offender and his gang members, the young toughs who were caught in possession of ◼ pencil pointed like a gun, a ◼ Quarter-size Lego piece, a ◼ clear plastic toy gun, a ◼ Lego Gun, an ◼ empty cap gun, and a ◼ Nerf Gun, and who trashed talked other kids about a ◼ Bubble Gun and ◼ Nerf Gun.