Friday, February 22, 2013

Rand Paul on Sequester Fearmongering: 'Balderdash' - 'President Is Making Stuff Up'

Appearing on Fox News's Happening Now, Paul said, "The president is making stuff up" - Noel Sheppard/Newsbusters

I would say balderdash. It’s untrue, unfair, dishonest, disingenuous. The president is making stuff up. He puts law enforcement, he puts firemen and policemen, who 98 percent of them are being paid for with your local taxes, and says you’re going to lose your local policeman because of this. It’s not true. The sequester is a slowdown in the rate of growth of government. It’s the least we can do. Our country is drowning in a sea of debt, borrowing $50,000 a second. We have to slow down spending. And for the president to use this histrionics is really I think beneath the office of the presidency.