◼ Hate the Sequester? Then Pass Entitlement Reform. - Jim Geraghty/National Review via Conservative Byte
Here’s the 3 by 5 index card version of what the GOP’s message on sequestration ought to be:
Our current level of spending is unsustainable. Spending must go down. Period.
This is a 2 percent cut.
Sure, if we in the Republican Party had complete control of the government, we would be implementing the cuts differently. But we don’t.
Congress can only appropriate funds; it doesn’t run the departments and agencies that spend the money. That’s the power and responsibility of the executive branch.
If the Obama administration’s response to a 2 percent cut is really to let all the criminals out of the jails and end food safety inspections, then it is no longer disputable that he’s a Stuttering Cluster-you-know-what of a Miserable Failure.(SCOAMF)