◼ He’s not our “leader,” or our “ruler,” or our national “daddy,” no matter what his adoring fan, comic Chris Rock, thinks. - Kurt Schlichter/Townhall
Let’s clarify things for those folks with the unseemly desire to offer up their personal sovereignty to some government hack. Unlike Hollywood geniuses better known for exposing their breasts than exposing their brains, I'll never pledge to be a servant of any politician.
I'm an American citizen. As such, no mortal man may presume to lead or rule me.
And I already have a father, one who incidentally has a better track record of job creation than Barack Obama by the mere fact that he hasn’t destroyed several million of them. Nor has he left any ambassadors to die, or surrounded himself with kids in a sick circus of political exploitation designed to steal the fundamental rights of law-abiding citizens....
No, the President works for me, and for you. Too often, Americans seem to forget that. Sure, he has a big job. He’s an executive, with lots of people (civilian and military) working under him. He deserves the same respect as any decent superior should show a subordinate – and make no mistake, the President is a subordinate of even the most humble American citizen.
The idea that we Americans need some sort of government official to give our lives purpose or direction or meaning is appalling and disgraceful. This horrific abdication of personal autonomy is all too common among people who have no understanding of our history or of the true nature of our Republic and the place of citizens within it.
This pseudo-worship can give government officials the idea that they don’t need to bother with the consent of the governed – no wonder they seem to resent the Constitution for doing its job and limiting their power....
Americans were born a rebellious, nearly ungovernable bunch of independent individuals, and we need to reclaim that honorable heritage. We have to decide once and for all whether we are going to remain free citizens who answer to no one but God, or become a sad selection of submissive serfs living out our collective political daddy issues.