I am sure that all of you have been aware of the confirmation hearings on Chuck Hagel. The Democrats are ready to confirm him for Secretary of Defense even though he was unable to answer many questions satisfactorily. There are also many unknowns about Mr. Hagel and his financial connections. Harry Reid is not going to wait to get the information about the financial issues. He plans to bring the nomination to a Senate vote. The Armed Services committee voted (all the Democrats) to approve Hagel and send the nomination to the full Senate.
Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma may filibuster the nomination. Of course, some Republicans will not back him. If the Democrats are united on this vote, and they probably are, the Republicans do not have the votes to stop Hagel’s confirmation. However, it is very important for the Republicans to unite behind a no vote so that a clear message is sent to the Democrats.
Here are the numbers for the leadership. Susan Collins of Maine is one Senator who plans to vote for Hagel. After making a big fuss about Hagel and saying that he is not qualified, John McCain says he will vote for confirmation.
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
(202) 224-2541 (202) 224-2499
John Cornyn, Texas
202) 224-2934 (202) 228-2856
John Thune, South Dakota
(202) 224-2321 (202) 228-5429
John Barasso, Wyoming
(202) 224-6441 (202) 224-1724
Ray Blunt, Missouri
(202) 224-5721 (202) 225-0148
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire
(202) 224-3324 (202) 224-4952
Jerry Moran, Kansas
(202) 224-6521 (202) 228-6966
John McCain, Arizona
(202) 224-2235 (202) 228-2862
I believe it is important for Republican Women to hold elected Republicans to an ethical standard that is often missing in Washington.
Thank you for all you do.
Edelweiss Geary
Legislative Issues Chair
Northern Division - CFRW