◼ Ben Carson owes no apologies - Star Parker/Washington Examiner
According to Cal Thomas, well-known nationally syndicated columnist, Dr. Ben Carson owes President Obama an apology....
What seems to offend Cal Thomas is that Dr. Carson has not fallen victim to the Washington disease that Thomas himself seems to have contracted as result of too many years in our nation's capital.
Dr. Carson noted the vital importance of freedom of expression in America and how "political correctness keeps people from talking about important issues while the fabric of the society is being changed." He warned that "we can't fall for this trick."...
Religious ritual devoid of content is pointless and destructive. This was Isaiah's message 2800 years ago. And this is Dr. Ben Carson's critical message for America today. Certainly nothing to apologize about.
◼ Johns Hopkins' Carson: Obama’s Policies Don’t Elevate US - Amy Woods/Newsmax
“I’m a physician,” Carson said. “I like to diagnose things. There are a number of policies that I believe don’t lead to the growth of our nation and don’t lead to the elevation of our nation.”
He also likened members of Congress to third graders.
“What we really need is to be able to tone down on the rhetoric and be able to discuss things in a reasonable and rational way and come to conclusions, rather than one side or the other side winning,” he said. “It’s unbelievable to me the way people act like third graders, and if somebody doesn’t agree with him, they’re this, and they’re that. It’s so infantile.”