◼ You have to love it. - Jeffrey Lord/American Spectator
Joy Behar Does Sharia. So do Jennifer Granholm, Al Gore, the N.Y. Times, Media Matters’ David Brock, and the Color of Change....
Joy Behar now works for an employer whose Al Jazeera network, in the words of Current TV co-founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, “was founded with the same goals we had for Current.”
The co-star of Barbara Walters’ famous morning chat show The View, along with her Current colleague Jennifer Granholm, the former liberal Governor of Michigan, are now two of the main pillars of the Al-Jazeera line up....
Let’s begin with one of Ms. Behar’s and Ms. Granholm’s new Al Jazeera colleagues.
That would be one Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Islamic theologian who hosts Sharia and Life, a show that is said to have an audience of 60 million around the globe. Joy’s new colleague is also the host of a website called IslamOnline, for which he serves as the chief religious scholar.
So what does al-Qaradawi discuss on his show? What is it exactly that makes him such a hit with his large audience?
Al-Qaradawi hates Barbara Walters. Well, not really Barbara personally. No, he’s not that specific. It’s just that he hates Jews. And America’s most famous television journalist is Jewish. It’s nothing personal. So when he preached a sermon back there on January 28, 2009, on Jews saying he wanted to “kill them, down to the very last one” he was obviously including Barbara Walters.
Joy’s new buddy is also grateful for the Holocaust. As reported here by the Daily Caller:
As translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, Al-Qaradawi said that “throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler.”Then there’s al-Qaradawi’s views on women. He’s all in favor of wife-beating if it’s deserved – although he believes it should be done “lightly.” (A belief he shares, by the way, with President Obama’s “Granny Sarah,” as we noted here in a story discussing Sarah Obama’s Sharia fundraising activities.) And but of course, he’s a big fan of female genital mutilation. - Read MORE at the link.
“By means of all the things he did to them –- even though they exaggerated this issue –- he managed to put them in their place,” Al-Qaradawi continued. “This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.”
◼ Interview with Cliff Kincaid: Stopping Al-Jazeera America - Cliff Kincaid/Trevor Loudon/New Zeal
The taking over of an American cable channel by Al-Jazeera is tantamount to giving American broadcast facilities during World War II to “Tokyo Rose” and “Axis Sally.” Tokyo Rose was the name given to an American broadcasting on Tokyo shortwave radio, while Axis Sally was “The American voice of Nazi Germany” and was broadcasting on Berlin radio. Both of them, incidentally, were apprehended and prosecuted for treason and sent to prison. The purpose of the broadcasts was to demoralize the American side in the war.
In Al-Jazeera’s case, the channel, through the acquisition of Current TV, is seeking to establish a more permanent base on U.S. soil, in order to undermine the U.S. war on Islamic terrorism and provide support for President Obama’s embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood.
We are not at war with Qatar, which owns Al-Jazeera, but we are at war with the jihadists being supported by Qatar, Al-Jazeera and the Muslim Brotherhood. Qatar openly supports Hamas and Hezbollah and protected 9/11 mastermind and bin Laden lieutenant Khalid Sheik Mohammed from apprehension by U.S. authorities.
The hearings should examine why Al-Jazeera’s current broadcasts into the U.S. are not being labeled by cable and satellite providers as foreign propaganda under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and why public television stations are turning their broadcast time over to Al Jazeera and other foreign channels, in violation of Federal Communications Commission rules....