Saturday, June 9, 2012

Romney Versus Obama: A Record Of Success And A Litany Of Failures


Governor Romney Left More Than $2 Billion In The State’s Rainy Day Fund. (Editorial, “Vote For Romney On Saturday,” Charleston Post & Courier, 1/20/12)

By The End Of His Term In Office, President Obama Will Nearly Double The Nation’s Debt Held By The Public. (Eric Stirgus, “Obama Setting Debt Record, Georgia GOP Says,”, 2/1/12)
Mitt Romney

We are now watching the Democrat Party implode, right before our eyes

More interested in protecting his own job, he stayed away from Wisconsin during the entire recall fight (which was lost by the Left, badly). - Doug Ross
Former Clinton Adviser Lanny Davis Goes Off On Obama Aides: “You Have Vicious People Who Are Working For The President”
Clinton's Tax-Cut Position Undercuts Obama Stance
Ed Rendell: Obama ‘hurt by being a legislator only’ before presidency
Bill Clinton On Romney's Bain Ties: 'This Is Good Work'
Booker's big mouth ruins relationship with Obama, Cabinet hopes
Deval Patrick, Democratic Governor, Creates Obama Campaign Headache By Defending Bain
Because the Clinton Wing of the Democrat Party is astute enough to know what's coming. I believe we are watching the first signs of a political tsunami. In state after state, Barack Obama has marshaled only 60% of the vote... as an incumbent president in the Democrat freaking primaries.

That's not to say any of this will be easy. It will be a pitched political battle, with every dirty trick, every left-wing media "October Surprise" hit-job, and every illegal voting gambit known to man. It will take all of us, working as hard as we can, to educate our family members, our friends, our neighbors and our colleagues and to ensure that the margin of victory surpasses what I like to call "The Holder Margin".

But I feel, deep in my gut, that a Tsunami is about to wash across the American landscape like nothing any of us have ever seen before.

Mob attacks women at Egypt anti-sex assault rally

A mob of hundreds of men assaulted women holding a march demanding an end to sexual harassment Friday, with the attackers overwhelming the male guardians and groping and molesting several of the female marchers in Cairo's Tahrir Square. - AP

From the ferocity of the assault, some of the victims said it appeared to have been an organized attempt to drive women out of demonstrations and trample on the pro-democracy protest movement.

The attack follows smaller scale assaults on women this week in Tahrir, the epicenter of the uprising that forced Hosni Mubarak to step down last year. Thousands have been gathering in the square this week in protests over a variety of issues — mainly over worries that presidential elections this month will secure the continued rule by elements of Mubarak's regime backed by the ruling military.

Earlier in the week, an Associated Press reporter witnessed around 200 men assault a woman who eventually fainted before men trying to help could reach her.

Friday's march was called to demand an end to sexual assaults. Around 50 women participated, surrounded by a larger group of male supporters who joined to hands to form a protective ring around them. The protesters carried posters saying, "The people want to cut the hand of the sexual harasser," and chanted, "The Egyptian girl says it loudly, harassment is barbaric."

...Sexual harassment of women, including against those who wear the Islamic headscarf or even cover their face, is common in the streets of Cairo. A 2008 report by the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights says two-thirds of women in Egypt experienced sexual harassment on a daily basis.
Why does this matter? What does it mean? Can anything be done about it? Find out at our Special Presentation by Peter Friedman, coming up June 22nd at Baywood. ◼ Peter Friedman "The Threat of Islam to America" HRWF Special Presentation
* Presale entry only * Open to all.
$15 each - seating limited to 230
Register today: Gwen – 498-3101 Laura -- 839-5538
Remit checks to: HRWF, PO Box 3563, Eureka, CA 95502

President Obama wants to stimulate government, Mitt Romney wants to stimulate the real world economy.

Obama tries to hit Romney on teachers, cops. Mitt pounces. - Jazz Shaw/HotAir

Ever since the president’s now legendary moment of confusion about the economy being just fine, Team Obama has been scrambling for some way to move the game and get people talking about something else. This weekend they apparently thought they found it and decided to launch a new ad campaign claiming that Romney wants to lay off police, firefighters and teachers: (Here's the Obama ad)

In a sign of precisely how nimble the Romney campaign has become, the digital ink hadn’t even begun to dry on this latest attack before they were out with a response. Speaking of, “it didn’t work then,” we are reminded that we already tried dealing with the issue of employment for teachers and first responders by pumping federal dollars down a rat hole. We called it the stimulus. And it was so badly crafted that the money frequently went to bailing out state budgets and pretty much everything but saving the targeted jobs. And in the rare cases where schools did benefit in the short run, once the money was gone the employees were let go anyway....

“President Obama fundamentally believes in raising taxes to grow government. He believes that we must hire more government workers to fix the economy. Every day, we learn why President Obama has not been the leader to take us out of this economic crisis. President Obama wants to stimulate government, Mitt Romney wants to stimulate the real world economy.”

IRS: CA group training Democratic female candidates must disclose donors

Emerge America, a California-based group that offers candidate training to female Democrats, has lost the nonprofit status that allowed it to operate without disclosing its donors, Bloomberg News reported Thursday. - Sacramento Bee

“You are not operated primarily to promote social welfare because your activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of a political party and a private group of individuals, rather than the community as a whole,” said the IRS letter telling the group it was losing its exempt status. - Bloomberg

While the nonprofit wasn’t named, it was Emerge America, its president, Karen Middleton, told Bloomberg News. The national organization is based in San Francisco and works with nine state affiliates that train Democratic women candidates....

President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are benefitting from such nonprofits. Crossroads GPS was started with help from former President George W. Bush’s chief political strategist, Karl Rove. Priorities USA was co-founded by Bill Burton, a former Obama aide.

The recent IRS decision sends a signal that it may turn its attention after November’s election to major nonprofits involved in this year’s election, said Marcus Owens, a lawyer and former IRS director who oversaw nonprofits.

“The message is groups like Crossroads need to be prepared to explain to the IRS why they’re entitled to tax-exempt status,” said Owens.

CFRW Capitol Update re: Primary Election Results

Overall, the primary election on Tuesday was a good night for Republicans - from California to Wisconsin! Governor Scott Walker winning in Wisconsin was a huge victory and a great indicator from a swing state on how November will turn out! Here in California, Prop 29 is still too close to call, but our inside sources tell us that once all the ballots have been counted that it will fail. When Californians reject a $1 cigarette tax, it sure does not look good for major tax increases on the November ballot. Across the state our Republican Women worked hard to make sure a strong Republican candidate made it to the general election. In 29 races, both legislative and congressional, same party candidates advanced to the general election. For the state legislative races, 2 senate races are Dem vs. Dem while 13 assembly races are also Dem vs. Dem. But not to worry, 6 assembly races are also Rep vs. Rep. In congressional races, only 6 are Dem vs. Dem and 3 are Rep vs. Rep.
Click HERE (image source: Sacramento Bee) for a great infographic with all this information. Our work is just beginning! November is coming and we will WIN!

About 1 million ballots remain to be counted in California - Sacramento Bee

The unprocessed ballot report tallies 972,652 ballots, but a dozen small counties have yet to report. The bulk -- 783,770 -- are vote-by-mail ballots that came in too late to be counted before Election Day. The rest are provisional ballots cast on Election Day or otherwise questioned ballots that must be reviewed.

Strong Leadership

‘Uhhh,’ the president’s ‘uhhh’ press conference was ‘uhhh’ terrible

If you are president of the United States and you don’t have anything to say, don’t have a press conference to say it. - Ed Rogers/Washington Post

If you’re the president of the United States and by Thursday it’s widely believed you’ve had one of the worst weeks of your presidency, take Friday off, and specifically avoid having a press conference.

Anytime you are president and you’re speaking in public at an ill-timed press conference after a bad week, try to have something to say, and do a good job in saying it. I watched the whole thing, but it’s not easy to think of one useful thing that he had to say. And what he said, he said very poorly. Was it just me, or did the president seem a little dazed and confused?


Obama Backs Off Comment 'Private Sector Is Doing Fine'... - Micheal D. Shear/New York Times

'Private Sector' Comment Becomes a Public Gaffe - Sudeep Reddy/Wall St. Journal
It was just six words from a 29-minute news conference, but President Barack Obama's assertion that "the private sector is doing fine" looks primed to play a starring role in this already-fevered campaign season....

Mr. Obama's Republican presidential challenger, Mitt Romney, called the comment "an extraordinary miscalculation and misunderstanding" by the president. "I think he's defining what it means to be detached and out of touch with the American people," Mr. Romney said at a campaign stop in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Mr. Obama sought to clarify the remarks later in the day, saying "it is absolutely clear that the economy is not doing fine." He nonetheless again noted the rebound in private-sector job growth and corporate profits to contend that the private sector has "not been the biggest drag on the economy."

Either way, in an election year likely to be defined by voters' perceptions of the economy, the damage was done....
'The private sector's doing fine': Obama's astonishing claim as he blames U.S. economic woes on anyone but himself... but backpedals just hours later - Toby Harnden/Daily Mail
UPDATE: S&P keeps US rating unchanged, outlook 'negative' - AFP via Drudge

Former Clinton defender Lanny Davis Goes Off On Obama Aides: “You Have Vicious People Who Are Working For The President”

Former Clinton aide takes Obama officials to task for saying Cory Booker is “dead to us.” “It may be meltdown unless they come to their senses. Why would they want to create enemies, or depict people as enemies: who are their friends?” - Buzzfeed

◼ From the New York Post: Booker's big mouth ruins relationship with Obama, Cabinet hopes
“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

And where is the president in all this? On his way to Anna Wintour's house. He's busy. He's running for president.

But why? He could be president now if he wanted to be. - Peggy Noonan/Wall St. Journal

President Obama's problem now isn't what Wisconsin did, it's how he looks each day—careening around, always in flight, a superfluous figure. No one even looks to him for leadership now. He doesn't go to Wisconsin, where the fight is. He goes to Sarah Jessica Parker's place, where the money is.

There is, now, a house-of-cards feel about this administration.

Friday, June 8, 2012

National Day of Blogger Silence

Going dark to urge congressional action: Who will protect the freedom to blog?... Free speech is under fire. Online thugs are targeting bloggers (mostly conservative, but not all) who have dared to expose a convicted bomber and perjuring vexatious litigant now enjoying a comfy life as a liberally-subsidized social justice operative. Where do your elected representatives stand on this threat to our founding principles? - Michelle Malkin

National Day of Blogger Silence -- This Friday - Ace Of Spades
Won’t back down: Amidst threats, National Bloggers Club announces Aaron Walker appeal; blogs to crank up pressure on Congress - Michelle Malkin
memeorandumBloggers protest bizarre court ruling in Walker case, SWATting - HotAir ◼ Day-By-Day is darklToday Is “Free Speech Friday”: Shine the Spotlight on Those Who Suppress ExpressionFreedom Isn't Free: Support Bloggers Being Harassed By Thuggish Sociopaths Like Brett Kimberlin #BrettKimberlinSilenceWithout Bloggers…. You would be in the dark. The media doesn’t tell the truth anymore, it’s up to citizen journalists who believe in free speech and truth telling to make sure that we as a society do not descend into the dark hole of lies.

@AceOfSpadesHQ BREAKS SILENCE: #BrettKimberlin’s Escalating Threat - The Other MCain

Ace of Spades has broken his daylong silence to warn against my sanguine confidence, urging Congress to act swiftly to thwart Kimberlin’s familiar pattern of escalation:
Brett Kimberlin will not be stopped by scrutiny. Even when he was a suspect in the Speedway Bombings, and being followed by agents of the FBI — and he knewhe was being followed — he continued to conduct his large-scale drug smuggling operation. While being investigated for the Speedway Bombings, he was arrested independently for procuring false military ID. And then, having been arrested (and released) for procuring false military ID, he was arrested for smuggling tons of marijuana into America.

The fact that the FBI was watching him didn’t seem to matter. He considers them stupid; he always thinks he’s one step ahead of them. The fact that he has frequently been arrested and caught does not seem to enter into his reasoning.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

"The taxpayer revolution has arrived."

Via San Diego Republicans



Congratulations to Governor Scott Walker, Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, State Senator Jerry Petrowski, and State Senator Scott Fitzgerald on their victories last night.

Also, I would like to congratulate my friend and partner, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus for his leadership and commitment to the recall elections in his home state of Wisconsin.

The people of Wisconsin have spoken above the shouts of the Democrats and union activists. Their message is clear: performance counts.

Scott Walker promised he would balance the state budget and ask public employees to pay a small fraction for their generous benefits. The Governor did what he said he would do. Now, unions and Democrats have wasted millions of dollars on senseless recall elections. What do they have to show for it? Failure.

Democrats brought a real war on women into Wisconsin with their attacks on Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. What do they have to show for these attacks? Failure.

After yet after another attempt to change Wisconsin's State Senate, the result is the same. Failure.

Last night Wisconsin taxpayers told the unions and Democrats to stop the madness. In November, Republicans and Mitt Romney will succeed where Democrats have failed by winning the hearts and minds of those who think job creation and a balanced budget are good idea

Romney Versus Obama: A Record Of Success And A Litany Of Failures


Governor Romney Closed A Nearly $3 Billion Shortfall Without Raising Taxes And Balanced Four Budgets. (Pam Belluck, "Romney Candidacy Puts Massachusetts Economy In Spotlight," The New York Times, 3/16/07)

President Obama Has Projected The “Fourth Straight Year Of Deficits Over $1 Trillion.” (“Highlights Of Obama's $3.8 Trillion Budget,” The Associated Press, 2/14/12)
Mitt Romney

Let’s follow Obama on his visit to the ATM known as San Francisco.

Obama’s first post-Wisconsin fundraiser “memejacked” by S.F. Tea Party - Zombie/PJM

President Obama sprinted through San Francisco on June 6 to attend yet two more high-end fundraisers. And I dogged him every step of the way.

Although Obama studiously avoided mentioning the Wisconsin election results during either of his speeches in S.F., Tea Party protesters rubbed his face in his party’s painful defeat yesterday, as we shall soon see.

Obama scoops up $2 million at 2 SF events - Carla Marinucci/SF Chronicle

Uncounted ballots: Could Clendenen and/or Solomon Still Win?

Clif Clendenen and Norman Solomon are not ready to admit defeat. - the Journal

Local election night results (pdf) showed Estelle Fennell edging out incumbent Clif Clendenen for the 2nd District Board of Supervisors seat by a margin of about four percent — 47.76 percent for Clendenen to 51.81 percent for Fennell. The gap between the two stands at 202 votes.

Nearly 6,500 votes have yet to be counted, according to Carolyn Crnich, the county’s registrar of voters, and Clendenen reportedly told the Times-Standard that he’s still hopeful that he could overtake Fennell and hold onto his supervisor seat.

Meanwhile, anti-war activist Norman Solomon ended election night in third place behind frontrunner Jared Huffman and Republican investment broker Dan Roberts. In California’s new open primary system, the top two vote-getters, regardless of party, advance to a November runoff. Solomon ended election night with 14.2 percent of the vote, not far behind Roberts’ 15.3 percent. In a press release sent earlier today, Solomon’s political consultant said this thing ain’t over:

“We are confident once all of the votes cast in this race are actually counted that Norman Solomon will have earned a top-two finish and advance to the general election.”

Do either of them have a shot? Analysis at the link

Hold Up There, Dan Roberts — Stormin’ Norman Solomon Is Still In This Thing - Hank Sims/Lost Coast Outpost

Peter Friedman "The Threat of Islam to America" HRWF Special Presentation

Friday, June 22
At Baywood Golf & Country Club
Wine & Light Hors-d'oeuvres Reception ~ 6:30 pm
Guest Speaker promptly at 7:15 - 2 hrs. w/questions

Mr. Friedman has also studied the Koran for over 40 yrs. He is a Vietnam Veteran who has worked for the US Defense Department and has worked undercover with the FBI for over 20 yrs. He's been a regular on the Brian Sussman Show. Don’t miss this important presentation. ◼ Learn more at:

* Presale entry only * Open to all.
$15 each - seating limited to 230
Register today: Gwen – 498-3101 Laura -- 839-5538
Remit checks to: HRWF, PO Box 3563, Eureka, CA 95502
Note: No General Meeting in June

Credit Regulation That Discriminates Against Stay-At-Home Spouses to be Focus of Subcommittee Hearing

The Federal Reserve rule requires lenders to consider individual rather than household income when determining whether someone qualifies for a credit card. Prior to the rule, which was mandated by the 2009 Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act, stay-at-home spouses could take out credit cards in their own names by citing household incomes. -

The EPA has not addressed the constitutional question, including its wanton violation of probable cause under the Fourth Amendment. It merely states that it has authority to surveil the private property of farmers and ranchers. It defends its encroaching behavior as “cost-efficient.”

Here is a map of party control state by state:

at Ace of Spades
Turnout, Turnout, Turnout: The "Superiority" of the Democrat's GOTV is No More.

Always watch the WOW. Republicans as a unified front turnout out more voters than the Democrats could even hope to do, expanding Walker's margin over 2010 in both the raw margin and percentage of the overall vote, despite increased turnout in Milwaukee and Dane Counties.

This is the model and the end result of total unity across the party- you had the establishment GOP funneling money and manpower into the race under the RNC and the RGA, you had grassroots manpower courtesy hundreds of TEA party groups in the state and from across the country, coordinated phone-banking and explosive use of social media, efficient and effective absentee ballot distribution, immediate response to Democratic attacks, effective dismantling of false polling and "momentum" memes by those on the right inside and out of the traditional media, everyone focused on one single goal: keep Governor Walker in Wisconsin.

The Democrats' "superiority" in social media, in GOTV, in WINNING is as big a lie as the Lake poll showing the race "all tied up". The results last night make that glaringly obvious. If we attack from a united front, we win.

The question now is not can we do this in November, but do we want to. If the answer is a resounding yes, that we really want this, then it isn't a question how the Presidential race will turn out. DWS bragged this was a "test-run" for November.

You're damn right it is.

The Walker Vote Earthquake

The beginning of the end for public employee unions at the state and local level. - Peter Hannaford/The American Spectator Online 6.7.12

"Walker Survives Wisconsin Recall Vote," read the tepid headline in Wednesday's New York Times. Governor Scott Walker, however, did much more than survive. He defeated his rival, Tom Barrett, convincingly. His lieutenant governor did the same in her recall election.

Significantly, this election marks the beginning of the end for dominance of state, county and city budgets by public employee unions.

Lost in the Wisconsin coverage is the fact that Tuesday's election brought overwhelming votes elsewhere in favor of reducing overly-generous public employee pensions. In California, voters in two large cities decided enough was enough. San Jose voters passed Measure B by 71-to-29 percent. In San Diego, they endorsed Proposition B by 67-to-33 percent. In recent years both cities had been forced to cut back on libraries, recreation centers, fire and police services in the face of galloping pension liabilities. San Diego saw its annual contribution to pensions go from $43 million in 1999 to $231 this year, soaking up 20 percent of the city's budget. In San Jose it went from $73 million in 2001 to $245 million this year -- equal to 27 percent of the budget.

These events offer the necessary will to elected officials across the nation to pass reforms that will bring public employee pensions and health care contributions into line with private ones.

The process has already begun. In California, signatures have been gathered for a voter initiative, "Stop Special Interests," on the November ballot that, if passed, would break the umbilical cord between the state treasury and union treasuries. In California, among others, the state deducts union dues from public employee paychecks and sends these directly to the unions, thus saving them the need to persuade public employees to sign up to let the union bosses use their money in elections. This is the umbilical cord and the California unions have used it to become the most powerful special interest in Sacramento, having great influence over the Democrat-controlled state legislature.

What happens when the umbilical cord is broken? It happened in Wisconsin last year as part of Governor Walker's reform legislation. Dues stopped flowing from the state treasury to the unions. They had to sell their services to the workers.

Result: dues paying is down to 28 percent of the Wisconsin public work force.

Across the country, voter discontent has been building against overly-generous public employee benefits. Declining revenues in the recession sharpened public focus, along with the realization that, in many cases, these benefits had become far greater than they are in the private sector. In short, it began to look as if the taxpayers were working for their own employees.

What will the public employee unions do? Reeling from this loss, it is unlikely they will try another vengeance move such as the Walker recall. They also face a daunting task if many legislatures, county boards, and city councils propose reform measures, especially ones on the ballot for voters who are in no mood to continue "business as usual."

Peter Hannaford was closely associated with the late President Ronald Reagan for a number of years. His latest book is Reagan's Roots: The People and Places That Shaped His Character.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lt. Gov. Kleefisch Thanks Wisconsin Voters In Recall Victory Speech

Senator Asks DOJ to Investigate SWAT-ting Attacks on Conservative Bloggers

A number of conservative bloggers allege they have been targeted through the use of harassment tactics such as SWAT-ting (fooling 911 operators into sending emergency teams to their homes), in retaliation for posts they have written, and now Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., has stepped into the matter. - Arlette Saenz

He has sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder urging him to investigate the SWAT-ting cases to see if federal laws have been violated.

...ABC News spoke with two prominent conservative bloggers who were victims of SWAT-ting, a hoax tactic used by some hackers to infiltrate a victim’s phone system, often through voice over IP (VOIP) technology to make calls appear as if they are coming from a residence. The perpetrators call police to report a violent crime at that home to which the police respond, sometimes with SWAT teams.

Just after midnight on July 1, 2011, Patrick Frey, a deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles and a conservative blogger who writes under the name “Patterico,” heard a pounding at his door as sheriff’s deputies arrived to investigate a call from Frey’s home about a man who claimed he had killed his wife. But no one in Frey’s home had been killed, and no one had made a phone call to the police.

“It’s a phone call that could have gotten me killed,” Frey wrote on his blog about the incident.

Frey was cuffed by police while they woke up his wife, who was asleep in their room, and questioned her about the safety of the children. Helicopters swarmed overhead with searchlights as the sheriff’s deputies investigated.

Frey told ABC News he received email threats prior to the SWAT-ting incident.

Late last month, Erick Erickson, the editor of the conservative site, was the victim of the same type of targeting. He had written about Frey’s case just a few days before.
Erickson sat at home in Macon, Georgia with his family while his children played outside over Memorial Day weekend when two sheriff’s deputies drove to the house after receiving a phone call about Erickson allegedly shooting his wife.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss Requests DOJ Investigate SWATting - The Other McCain
Did Brett Kimberlin Stalk BlogCon? UPDATE: Confirmed or Not? - The Other McCain

Kimberlin has been accused of engaging in a campaign of harassment and intimidation against conservative bloggers, including Patrick “Patterico” Frey, Aaron Walker and National Bloggers Club president Ali Akbar. The case has drawn widespread attention, and major news organizations are taking increased interest in the story. ◼ Bestselling author Michelle Malkin wrote today:
[Award-winning conservative blogger] Ace of Spades has called for a National Day of Blogger Silence this Friday to focus Capitol Hill’s attention to this vital free speech fight.
Google Brett Kimberlin to learn more about this very serious matter.
Essentially, you've heard of 'suicide by cop' - this is referred to as 'attempted murder by cop.'

Romney Versus Obama: A Record Of Success And A Litany Of Failures


Boston Business Journal, January 2007: “Thousands Of People Are Re-Entering Massachusetts' Work Force As Its Jobs Engine … Continues To Gain Traction.” (Boston Business Journal, 1/1/07)

Los Angeles Times: “GDP: U.S. Economy Expands At Lackluster 2.2% Rate In 1st Quarter” (Los Angeles Times, 4/27/12)
Mitt Romney

Last night we got home from a dinner and discovered something wonderful when we switched on the television. There's an entire cable network called MSNBC devoted to the entertainment of conservatives. Apparently all they have on this station is disconsolate lefties 24/7. We assume it's part of the Fox empire. Roger Ailes is a genius, isn't he?

MSNBC: My Schadenfreude Now Blankets Cable. - James Taranto/Wall St. Journal

A guy named Lawrence O'Donnell hosts a show called "The Last Word," a misleading name, since here we are getting in a latter word. Even so, the show is awesome. O'Donnell cracked us up when he opened yesterday's show: "Tonight, the really big winner in Wisconsin's recall election is--President Obama." Later he had one of his fellow hosts, Rachel Maddow, on as a guest, and she agreed: "It's going to be hard to see this as a bad night for Obama," she declared, citing the president's "11-point margin of theoretical victory . . . over Mitt Romney." (Charlie Spiering has a video montage.)

Theoretically, Obama was on the side of the government employee unions that were behind the unsuccessful attempt to oust Gov. Scott Walker, who last year signed legislation abolishing most of their corrupt "collective bargaining" arrangements. "Understand this," the future president declared in 2007: "If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I'm in the White House, I'll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I'll walk on that picket line with you as president of the United States of America. Because workers deserve to know that somebody is standing in their corner."

In practice, Obama tweeted "present": "It's Election Day in Wisconsin tomorrow, and I'm standing by Tom Barrett. He'd make an outstanding governor." But he was only theoretically present. Not only was he standing, not walking; he was standing someplace far from Wisconsin. In fact, for all we know he was sitting at the time. We can't be sure he was even wearing shoes....

Here’s Michael Barone stealing the last little bit of their candy: - Allahpundit/HotAir
Exit poll: Wisconsin in play in November - Michael Barone/Washington Examiner

"Wisconsin is very much in play in November. And Scott Walker’s victory will not, to say the least, hurt Mitt Romney."

What should be especially galling to public union members is that over this last crucial weekend, Obama was but a two-hour drive away from Wisconsin as he gorged on a record fundraising binge


As Charles Krauthammer said last night on Fox News, "In Wisconsin, Obama literally mailed it in." Actually, Obama tweeted it in. Though public sector unions throughout the country broke their backs and piggy banks to win him the presidency in 2008, ever the calculating politician willing to throw his supporters under that over-crowded bus, Obama refused to show up and rally for the Wisconsin rank-and-file for fear a loss might give him a bad news cycle or two.


The spin from the left on the morning after their disastrous Wisconsin recall election failure is that Governor Scott Walker (R-WI), who walked away with the election, did so because he spent oodles of money....

This is false.

Overall, over $63.5 million was spent on the recall effort by various parties. Walker spent about $30 million; Barrett spent about $4 million. Most of the money spent by Walker came from out-of-state sources – The Republican Governors Association spent about $4 million, almost all from out-of-state; the Kochs gave $1 million; the Chamber of Commerce gave $500,000. On the surface, then, it appears that Walker had a tremendous cash advantage.

Not so fast. As it turns out, labor unions spent an additional $21 million on the recall election. When it came to state senate recall elections back in September 2011, Democrats outspent Republicans $23.4 million to $20.5 million.

Nearly 800,000 CA ballots left to count in largest counties

Preliminary election results may be in, but some races won't be called until officials can count provisional ballots and mail-in votes that were dropped off at polling places Tuesday. - Sacramento Bee
A Bee survey showed nearly 800,000 uncounted votes in just nine of the state's 58 counties:
Los Angeles County..........................162,008
San Diego County.............................135,000
Orange County.................................113,119
Riverside County................................49,200
San Bernardino County......................29,800
Santa Clara County................86,600-96,600
Alameda County.................................61,100
San Francisco County........................31,000

These votes could determine a handful of tight legislative, congressional and local races and the fate of Proposition 29 to raise the cigarette tax $1 a pack.

McCain: Top-secret leaks coming from “highest levels” of White House

Two top figures in the US Senate — a Republican and a Democrat — have now spoken out publicly in frustration with continued leaks out of the Obama administration of “the most highly classified information.” - Ed Morrissey/HotAir

While CBS News treated McCain’s allegations with skepticism, Dianne Feinstein seconded McCain’s concerns about the leaks, if not the origins...

More outrage in Senate over intelligence leaks - Scott Wong/Politico

Another top Democrat joined the growing chorus of lawmakers furious about classified leaks to the press about cyberattacks on Iran, something Republicans claimed was a political move to bolster Democrats’ national security credentials and reelection prospects this fall.

At a hearing Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) said he was infuriated as he read a New York Times story last week that revealed President Barack Obama had ordered the use of a computer virus to disrupt an Iranian nuclear facility.

“I remember sitting there just fuming as I read the details,” Leahy said at a committee hearing. “And I have not had a briefing yet to determine whether what was in there was accurate or not, so I'm not saying ... it was, but if it was, it should not be in a newspaper.”

Normandy & D-Day — 68 Year Anniversary — We Will Never Forget

Ignore the spin: Wisconsin was a disaster for Democrats and President Obama

In the final hours before Governor Scott Walker’s victory, with the writing on the wall, President Obama and his campaign could only muster a tweet and a last-minute video for challenger Tom Barrett. But do not let that tepid support fool you: Democrats and their union allies spent an astronomical amount on a judicial election, four state legislative recalls and the recall of Governor Walker, only to lose. - Daily Caller

In the final hours before Governor Scott Walker’s victory, with the writing on the wall, President Obama and his campaign could only muster a tweet and a last-minute video for challenger Tom Barrett. But do not let that tepid support fool you: Democrats and their union allies spent an astronomical amount on a judicial election, four state legislative recalls and the recall of Governor Walker, only to lose....

Now, Democrats have lost yet another high-profile Wisconsin race. With this string of events taking place in a state that has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1984 and is considered the birthplace of modern progressivism, Republicans must be starting to like their chances in November. Once considered an unassailable Democratic stronghold, Wisconsin is moving into the almost unthinkable swing-state territory....

California: Shift in voting rules shakes up primary elections

The potentially dramatic effects of two landmark ballot measures approved by California voters in recent years began to emerge Tuesday with a primary election that could lead to shifts in the state's legislative profile in Sacramento and Washington. - SF Chronicle

Prop 29: Dollar-a-pack cigarette tax measure falls behind

A ballot measure that would increase state taxes on cigarettes by a dollar a pack fell behind early Wednesday, the secretary of state's office said. - SF Chronicle

Proposition 29, which would raise $810 million a year for cancer research and smoking cessation programs, trailed by 50.8 percent to 49.2 percent. All precincts were reporting, but mail-in ballots that arrived on election day and other votes remained to be counted.


Election Night First Report — Unofficial - County Elections
Election Night Second Report — Unofficial - County Elections
Election Night Third Report — Unofficial - County Elections
ELECTION RESULTS - Lost Coast Outpost (Hank Sims)

U.S. Congress District 2 - Districtwide Results - California Secretary of State

US Senate: Feinstein 1,801,422 (49.3%); Emken 454,937 (12.5)
Twelve other Republicans had a combined total of 880,000. Other Dems had a combined 260,000; minor party candidates had 150,000.

US HR, 2nd CD: Huffman (D) had 37.3%, Roberts 15.3% (in our County 18.5%), other 47.4%.
After Roberts it was Solomon, Lawson, Adams.

Voter turnout: Trinity 47.4%, Del Norte 40.8%, Sonoma 37%, Marin 35.4%, Humboldt 33.4%, Mendocino 28.4%. Sonoma County had far and away the largest number of voters, about 250M to Marin's 146M

Bohn sweeps 1st District Humboldt County supervisors race - Megan Hansen/The Times-Standard
Fennell maintains lead over Clendenen - Grant Scott-Goforth/The Times-Standard
Lovelace wins 3rd District Humboldt County supervisors race - Kaci Poor/The Times-Standard
Election Results! - The Journal

Barack Obama - The Amateur

Governor Mike Huckabee interviews author, Ed Klein, about his book,"The Amateur", which is a not-so-flattering and revealing biography about Barack Obama, with lots of named people who have contributed information to the book.

"“I’ve been a reporter for 50 years and I decided that this was a phenomenon I needed to investigate. Here’s a guy that came out of nowhere, an African-American senator who had accomplished nothing, had no experience, somehow hypnotized millions of people into voting for him and then gets into the White House and it’s the first time we’ve ever seen anything like this: an amateur in the White House.

"To me it was a great story, a story that need to be told because it had a direct impact on the future of our country.”

The Amateur, by Edward Klein at Newsmax
The Amateur [Kindle Edition] at Amazon

Stop Special Interest Money in California

The Stop Special Interest Money Act will be on the ballot in November. It will reign in special interests’ control over government and return power to the voters.
◼ Bans both corporate and union contributions to state and local candidates
◼ Prohibits government contractors from contributing money to government officials who award them contracts
◼ Prohibits corporations and labor unions from collecting political funds from employees and union members by means of payroll deduction and
◼ Makes all employee political contributions strictly voluntary, requiring annual written consent.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Scott Walker Wins Wisconsin Recall Battle

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker beat back a recall challenge Tuesday, winning both the right to finish his term and a voter endorsement of his strategy to curb state spending, which included the explosive measure that eliminated union rights for most public workers. - Newsmax


Scott Walker's win tonight was a resounding victory for political courage and government reform. After more than a year of vitriolic attacks and tens of millions of dollars from union member paychecks, Walker and his GOP allies survived everything unions could throw at them. It was a victory for grass roots activists, the tea party and a newly emboldened Republican party. Most importantly, it was a victory for the common sense reforms championed by Walker.

Democrats claimed that Walker had championed "divisive" polices that sparked a "political civil war" in the state. The reforms required state workers to contribute a little bit more to their benefits and gave local governments the freedom to set their own health care and pension policies. Walker's reforms put Wisconsin government workers on the exact same negotiating footage as federal government workers.

In response, the unions threw a tantrum.

Recall Bid Fails in Wisconsin - Douglas Belkin/Wall Street Journal
Walker, Republicans win big in Wisconsin recall races - Washington Times

In addition to Mr. Walker, Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and four Republican state Senate seats held by the GOP were being challenged. Ms. Kleefisch and three of the Republican Senate candidates had won their races while the Republican was leading in the fourth race late Tuesday.

Wisconsin Was All About the Economy - Amy Walter/ABC News
Walker: Voters want leaders to make hard decisions - AP/SeattlePI
How Scott Walker Helped Unions and Democrats Tonight = Jim Geraghty/National Review Online via Lucianne

Believe it or not, by winning his recall election - by a 57 percent to 42 percent margin at this hour – Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has done his foes – the Wisconsin Democratic Party, the public sector unions, the progressives and angry leftists – a favor. He has liberated them from the soothing illusion that they are popular, and that the public agrees with them.

WI Recall a Tea Party Victory - Dana Loesch/Breitbart's Big Government

If ever there was a measure of the muscle of the tea party movement, let it be judged by this election....

Why Scott Walker won the Wisconsin recall - Chris Cillizza/Washington Post
Walker withstands withering attack, wins in Wisconsin - Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post

California/Humboldt Election Results:

Election Night First Report — Unofficial - County Elections
Election Night Second Report — Unofficial - County Elections
Election Night Third Report — Unofficial - County Elections
ELECTION RESULTS - Lost Coast Outpost (Hank Sims)

U.S. Congress District 2 - Districtwide Results - California Secretary of State
at 11:15: Dan Roberts 15.5%, Jared Huffman 38.3, top two vote-getters go into the General

UCLA for Elizabeth Emken
AP calls Emken winner! Congratulations, and here's to retiring Feinstein!Election.

A very satisfying evening. I was touched to see Scott Walker, speaking in such a selfless, public-spirited way, after all the abuse he's taken for well over a year. He must feel so relieved and so vindicated, but the wasn't a shred of gloating or even basking. What a moment!

Walker's victory speech. - Althouse

10:24: "First of all, I want to thank God for his abundant grace...." And the people in factories and farms have "sustained" him. He loves his wife, Tonette. "Tonette's just been a rock." (Women love that, being called "a rock.") This must be so immensely rewarding to him. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. He's praising The Framers. "What has made our country unbelievable... what has made the United States arguably one of the greatest countries in the history of the world"... is that there have been men and women who have stood up. There have been "good and decent people" who had "courage." I know he's trying to say that about himself, even though he won't say "I." But: I was courageous and I made the tough decisions....

10:36: "Talking together... solutions... prosperity for all our people..." Walker is talking about ways to "bring all our people together": with brats and beer! "Now is the time for us to come together."

10:39: A very satisfying evening. I was touched to see Scott Walker, speaking in such a selfless, public-spirited way, after all the abuse he's taken for well over a year. He must feel so relieved and so vindicated, but the wasn't a shred of gloating or even basking. What a moment!

Wisconsin recall thread - neoneocon

Romney Versus Obama: A Record Of Success And A Litany Of Failures


Massachusetts Added Tens Of Thousands Of Net New Jobs During The Romney Administration. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, 5/30/12)

Under President Obama, The Nation Has Lost 572,000 Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics,, 5/30/12)
Mitt Romney

At Kenosha County polling sites, "There's been steady lines and some of them are running low on ballots and we have been printing ballots for some of the wards," Deputy County Clerk Edie Lamothe said.

Heavy turnout reported across Wisconsin - Journal Sentinel Online
Live-blogging the Wisconsin recall election. - Althouse
What Wisconsin Is Up Against - Moonbattery
Madison Goon Threatens Kleefisch – Wants Her Dead (Video) - Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit
Open thread: Wisconsin - HotAir
It’s Here: Recall Day In Wisconsin - NoQuarter
Wisconsin Recall LIVE (Update – WALKER WINS!!!!) - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion (get ready for celebratory music!)

Today's the day...

Tuesday is election day in California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Iowa, South Dakota and Wisonsin... All eyes are on Wisconsin.


Humboldt residents to decide future leaders Tuesday; voters to cast ballots for supervisor candidates - Times-Standard

(Humboldt County Registrar of Voters Carolyn Crnich said) the county mailed out 36,790 vote-by-mail ballots this election cycle. As of close of business Friday, the elections office had received back 12,463 of those ballots. A total of 76,197 residents are eligible to vote in this election....

Seven candidates are vying for the three county supervisor seats... 2nd and 3rd District supervisors will be decided in this election... Three candidates are running for the 3rd District supervisor seat... Candidates Rex Bohn, Annette De Modena and Cheryl Seidner are running for the position.

In addition to the supervisor races, citizens will vote for candidates for U.S. president, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives and the California State Assembly.... Two state propositions are also on the ballot, Proposition 28 and Proposition 29. (CFRW and CRP recommend voting NO on 28 and 29)


* Humboldt County Elections Office, 3033 H St. in Eureka, 445-7481
* Humboldt County Elections Office website,
* California Secretary of State's website,
* California Secretary of State's toll-free Voter Hotline, 1-800-345-8683

Election day tips:
* Confirm your polling place. Check your sample ballot, call the
Humboldt County Elections Office or call the California Secretary
of State's voter hotline to determine your polling location.
* If you have an absentee ballot, it can be dropped off Tuesday at any polling place.
* Absentee ballots must be received Tuesday.
Ballots postmarked with Tuesday's date will not be tallied

Monday, June 4, 2012

CFRW Primary Election Voting Guide

The June primary election is just around the corner and our CFRW Voting Body has made its recommendations for the two propositions that will be on the ballot. If you will recall, these two propositions are the last two to appear on a primary election ballot. After this primary, all propositions must appear on the general election ballot only. This rule was changed by the Democrats in power because they know that Republicans consistently vote in primaries and that the Democrat union machine pulls voters out in general elections. That being said, the CFRW voted NO on both Propositions 28 and 29. Here are talking points for both propositions. If you would like more information on either proposition or the CFRW’s positions, please --- Email: the CFRW Advocate at


◼ Allows politicians to serve 12 years in the State Assembly OR State Senate OR a combination of both
◼ As of now, there is a limit of six years in Assembly and a limit of eight years in Senate
◼ Prop 28 is written to intentionally deceive voters
◼ Prop 28 doubles the amount of time politicians can serve in the State Assembly
◼ Increases the amount of time politicians can serve in the State Senate by 50%
◼ Strongly supported by labor unions and special interest groups
◼ Special interest groups and labor unions would not have to spend as much money getting candidates elected because turnover in State Legislature would decrease, which means they would have more money to spend on promoting harmful programs elsewhere

Proposition 29: NO

◼ Increases taxes on cigarettes by five cents per cigarette and one dollar per package
◼ Would create a nine member “Citizens Oversight Committee” with carte blanch fund allocation
◼ Only 20% of the $735 million collected by the tax increase must go to cancer research
◼ Remaining 80% of tax revenue can go towards administrative costs, real estate investments, construction and recreation resources
◼ None of the tax revenue will necessarily go towards education or healthcare
◼ None of the tax revenue will necessarily go towards fixing the budget crisis
◼ Tax revenue created does not have to be spent in California or in the United States
◼ If passed, it cannot be amended for 15 years

◼ California Federation of Republican Women

Emken Within Striking Distance of Feinstein

New Poll Shows Incumbent More Vulnerable Than Ever

(ORANGE COUNTY, CA) — A new U.S. Senate primary poll released by SurveyUSA today shows Elizabeth Emken as the top candidate among all challengers, especially when directly matched up against incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Feinstein topped the survey at only 42%, the lowest polling numbers in her 20-year Senate career, with 24% of likely voters undecided on the race.

Emken is polling within striking distance of Feinstein in their head-to-head matchup, earning 34 percent to just 50 percent for the three-term Senator. No other challenger comes within 20 points of Feinstein in a direct contest, according to the SurveyUSA poll conducted for KABC-TV in Los Angeles, KPIX-TV in San Francisco, KGTV-TV in San Diego, and KFSN-TV in Fresno during a three-day period between Sunday, May 27 and Tuesday, May 29, 2012.

"This just proves what we've been saying all along — that an overwhelming majority of California voters aren't crazy about the thought of another 6 years of Dianne Feinstein. In fact, at 42%, she's at her lowest approval numbers ever," said Jeff Corless, Emken for U.S. Senate campaign manager. "It also shows that in a one-on-one race, Elizabeth is by far the best choice to take on the incumbent. We still have a lot of work to do before June 5th but once Elizabeth Emken is the only challenger, we're confident that we'll have plenty of opportunity to bring Dianne Feinstein closer to retirement with each passing day."

Emken, an accomplished businesswoman specializing in efficiency and cost-cutting, and nationally recognized advocate for autism research and treatment, has the backing of an impressive number of Republican elected officials, prominent party leaders and the California Republican Party, which unanimously endorsed Emken for U.S. Senate in March.

Elizabeth Emken

Hispanic Republicans Endorse Emken - California’s Largest Local Latino GOP Group Backs Campaign
Emken Gains Lungren Endorsement
Official statewide endorsement from the California Republican Party

Dan Roberts: Endorsed by The California Republican Party and The Humboldt Republican Party Central Committee

Humboldt: The California Republican Party's board of directors met yesterday, heard from many candidates and voted its endorsements. In our Congressional District, the 2nd, the CRP endorsed our committee's choice, Dan Roberts. It made no endorsement in the 2nd Assembly District (Chesbro is the incumbent Democrat) because no Republican filed for the job. The CRP endorsed Elizabeth Emken for U.S. Senate (there are three other Republicans running).

Please click HERE for the full list of endorsements.

Obama Tanking on Intrade

Wisconsin Recall Update: Walker Ahead By 6+

Wisconsin's recall election is tomorrow, Tuesday, June 5, 2012 and last minute poll averages have Governor Scott Walker up by over 6 percentage points with the only poll listed over at RCP with anything less than a 5 point Walker lead is from PPP, a Democratic leaning polling service which has Walker over Tom Barrett by only 3. - Susan Duclos/Wake Up America

Intrade has Walker with a 93 percent chance of winning. (Update: 93.8%)

Last but not least, ◼ Democratic Governor Rendell now says recalling Walker was a mistake.

Statistical analysis: Nearly 95% chance of Scott Walker victory tomorrow? - HotAir
Late Polls Find Walker Is Still Favored - Nate Silver/New York Times

Two polls released over the weekend suggest that Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a Republican, remains the clear favorite to win Tuesday’s recall election.

Although the contest is fairly close, polls of gubernatorial races are ordinarily quite reliable in the late stages of a race. We have not officially released a forecast for the race, but Mr. Walker’s lead of about six points would translate into almost a 95 percent chance of victory if we used the same formula we did to evaluate gubernatorial races in 2010, which derives its estimates from the historical accuracy of gubernatorial polls over the past 15 years.

"Wisconsin voters essentially have been asked to cast ballots every 60 days for more than a year..." - Althouse

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Romney Versus Obama: A Record Of Success And A Litany Of Failures


Massachusetts’ Unemployment Rate Fell From 5.6% To 4.7% During The Romney Administration. (Bureau of Labor Statistics,, 5/30/12)

President Obama’s Advisors Predicted The Stimulus Would Lower Unemployment To 6% Today – But It Remains Above 8%. (Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, "The Job Impact Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan," 1/9/09)
Mitt Romney

Panic is never pretty. When it involves a politician scrambling desperately to stay afloat, it is ugly. When it involves a president of the United States trading national-security secrets for political gain, it is obscene.

Bam-bo shoots off his mouth - Michael Goodwin/NY Post

Twice last week, The New York Times published insider accounts of Obama-administration decisions. One involved “kill lists” of terrorists targeted by drones. The other described cyberwarfare attacks against Iran.

The articles revealed details of top-level meetings and quoted the president’s comments. They were so gushingly favorable to him that it’s clear they were based on authorized leaks by the White House designed to make Obama look tough against terror. Flattery was part of the bargain.

...This is more than an unseemly spiking of the football. This is reckless politicking that reflects an his “anything goes” approach to November: Nothing is sacred except four more years.
The Times also outed Israel as our partner in launching the Stuxnet virus against Iran’s nuclear computers. While the United States and Israel were long suspected, the article shredded any deniability....

Documents reveal Pentagon gave Hollywood special Bin Laden access - Judicial Watch

Mexico upset by Fast and Furious as revelation that Obama accepts killing people as part of presidency surfaces

Mexico’s ambassador to the United States detailed last week how the administration of President Barack Obama left his government in the dark while arming violent drug cartel criminals through Operation Fast and Furious. - Matthew Boyle/Daily Caller

Last Thursday, Mexican ambassador to the U.S. Arturo Sarukhan told a forum on Capitol Hill that the Obama administration’s handling of the operation demonstrated an “outstanding lack of understanding of how criminal organizations are operating on both sides of our common borders.”

The operation led to the killing of hundreds of Sarukhan’s fellow citizens and two American law enforcement agents: Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata. The identities of the countless Mexican victims are unknown....

The revelation that Mexico was kept in the dark as the Obama administration pumped thousands of weapons into the hands of criminals in its country – criminals who then used the weapons to kill people – comes after news broke that President Barack Obama thinks it’s part of his job as president to kill people, as detailed in a soon-to-be-released book by Newsweek investigative reporter Daniel Klaidman....

Follow Matthew Boyle on Twitter: @mboyle1

Obama's ever-expanding "Kill List" - Joe Becker and Scott Shane/NYT

Oh my: Obama now below 50% against Romney — in California

Even in the bluest of blue states, he’s now treading water at 48 percent, still comfortably ahead of Romney but unable to grab a majority even in California - HotAir

Banish the thought from your mind that Romney has a chance of winning there. He doesn’t — although don’t hold me to that if we get another three or four jobs reports that look like today’s. No, the potential significance of this and the reason why there’s some buzz about it among righties on Twitter is that it’s circumstantial evidence that The One might be starting to collapse nationally.

Mitt Romney is now the front-runner to win the White House in 2012 - Toby Harnden/Daily Mail

Romney wants to make the campaign all about the economy and all about Obama. There is little doubt that Obama wants to talk about anything other than the economy but at the same time he finds it very difficult to depart from the “all about me” theme that has characterised his entire political career.

Put all this together and what have we got? Romney must now be considered the narrow favourite in November. Of course, Obama could well be re-elected. But this feels like a moment similar to the one in mid-December 2007 when Obama began to eclipse Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries.

We are now seeing a very different race from the one Obama or the Washington cognoscenti ever anticipated. Things can change very quickly but Mitt Romney has just become the 2012 front-runner.

Rasmussen: Romney 48%, Obama 44%

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows Mitt Romney picking up 48% of the vote, while President Obama attracts 44%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

Approval of the president is now the lowest in three weeks. For all of 2012, his total approval has stayed between 44% and 51%.

In his weekly newspaper column, Scott Rasmussen notes that “the underlying reality is that Team Obama has a difficult hand to play. The economy matters more than campaign tactics, and the indicators at the moment are mixed at best.”


Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) tells Breitbart News' Dana Loesch about the importance of the Wisconsin re-call election and how a victory for Scott Walker will have ramifications in the November Presidential election. Breitbart

Say it ain’t so: Nancy Pelosi’s female staffers paid less than men?


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) refused to answer questions about Senate Democrats paying their female staff members less than male staffers on Thursday. She may have ducked the question because a Washington Free Beacon analysis shows she pays the women on her staff $26,606 less per year on average.

According to publicly available salary data at the website Legistorm, Pelosi’s female employees earned an average annual salary of $96,394 in fiscal year 2011. Male employees earned $123,000 on average, a difference of 27.6 percent.

The gap is even larger if calculated using the median salaries for men and women. For Pelosi’s female employees, the median annual salary was $93,320 in 2011, compared to $130,455 for male employees—a difference of $37,135, or 40 percent.

...Daily Caller reporter Michelle Fields on Thursday asked Pelosi about the results of a Free Beacon analysis published last week, which found that Senate Democrats paid their female staffers about $6,500 less on average than male staffers.

“You’ll have to go to the Senate side for that,” Pelosi said. “When I was speaker, I was [the] highest paid person on Capitol Hill and the women took great joy in that.”

“I can’t speak to what the Senate—needless to say, it’s another world,” she added.

Is it possible that the females on Nancy Pelosi’s staff — the same ones who help Nancy craft all her Republican “war on women” nonsense — are paid less than their male counterparts? - Michelle Malkin

In addition to the women on Pelosi’s staff earning less than men, the White House reportedly pays women less than men, there are 766,000 more women unemployed today than when Barack Obama took office, and both Pelosi and Obama oppose banning sex selection abortions.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Republican war on women…


Glossed over in this Associated Press report about Friday's Wisconsin recall rally starring former President Bill Clinton is the fact that only "hundreds" showed up. - JOHN NOLTE/BREITBART

Not only is Gov. Scott Walker's Democrat opponent, Tom Barrett, the mayor of that great city, but Milwaukee represents one of two liberal strongholds in the state -- the other being Madison. By contrast, at yesterday's pro-Walker rally in Racine, somewhere around 4,000 showed up to see, among others, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, Congressman Paul Ryan, and our own Dana Loesch.

...Maybe now we know why President Obama conspicuously stayed away from this fight, though I doubt that was always the plan. On Friday, the President attended a record six fundraisers, all of them within a few hours of Wisconsin. Fundraisers are usually scheduled well in advance, which means that it's not outrageous to wonder if the original plan had been to schedule these fundraisers nearby in order to give Obama the opportunity to host a rally or two in Wisconsin. If that's the case, the polls showing Walker in the lead likely scared Obama off.

Considering the month he's had and Friday's disastrous economic and jobs' numbers, the last thing the President needs is a cycle of Wednesday morning stories documenting his loss of magic in a state he won by 14 points in 2008.

Of course, Obama might have simply decided to send Clinton to Wisconsin in order to feel like he created a job.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC


Hard To Watch: Dem Rep's Screeching Screaming Anti-Walker Song and Dance - BreitvartTV

GREEN SCAM: 80% of Green Energy Loans Went to Obama Donors – 19 Companies Went Bust

Go on. Pretend to be shocked and outraged by what is essentially a crony-style kickback / laundering scheme. - Jeff/Protein Wisdom
Can President Obama Name ONE Clean Energy Success? - Ashe Schow/Heritage Action
And, it’s expensive. Solar power is 35¢ per kilowatt compared to coal, gas and oil that costs 5¢ per kilowatt. - Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit

That’s 19 (that we know of so far). We also know that loans went to foreign clean energy companies (Fisker sent money to their overseas plant to develop an electric car), and that 80% of these loans went to President Obama’s campaign donors.

The Promise of America

Mitt Romney

View from the Left

On Friday night, the nation’s capital was under a tornado watch. And that was the best thing that happened to the White House all week....
Obama Gets Left Behind - Kenneth Rapoza/Forbes
...Everyday I get emails from former members of Move On, a pro-Democratic Party group that was famously active during the build-up to the Iraq War in 2003. They’re complaining about one man: President Obama....
Ouch!… Juan Williams Mocks Obama Ad With “Dr. Evil” Anna Wintour - Jim Hoft/Gateway Pundit

“That was hilarious. That looks like a parody. It looked like the Romney Campaign planted Dr. Evil in the House of Obama. And, he said, you know, on the day the grim job numbers come out, let’s have someone who reeks of ornamental excess announce that the peasants can have a place at the table. It’s just unbelievable.”

For the alternative to be worse, it would have to be Putin or Ahmadinejad; not Romney. But there's no other available theme. Not for an incumbent who has nothing positive to show for his time in office, except giving the go-ahead to kill a wanted terrorist, while blowing the war in Afghanistan. Obama's original platform of change won't work anymore. Not "Change We Can Believe In", not "Safe, Sustainable Change" and not, "Can You Spare Some Change for My Campaign."

No Country for Old Incumbents - Sultan Knish

Obama would have gone negative anyway, but he has no choice now. It's either go negative or go home. The only way to be reelected, aside from the usual standbys of voter fraud and nuking Florida, is to convince the public that the alternative really is worse. And that's hard because Romney is so bland that he's darn hard to demonize.