Thursday, September 6, 2012

Balloting set -- filing can begin for Doug LaMalfa Senate seat

Candidates can begin filing for the state Senate seat vacated by Doug LaMalfa, now that Gov. Jerry Brown has set the primary election for Nov. 6 and, if necessary, a runoff for Jan 8. - Sacramento Bee

Contenders can file for the 4th District Senate election through Tuesday, Sept. 12, the secretary of state's office said.... To win LaMalfa's Senate seat outright in the Nov. 6 primary, a candidate must receive more than 50 percent of votes cast. Brown scheduled the 4th District primary in conjunction with California's statewide presidential election.

LaMalfa, R-Richvale, resigned from the Legislature to run for the congressional seat of Republican Wally Herger in a district that tilts strongly to the right.
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