Congratulations to Governor Scott Walker, Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, State Senator Jerry Petrowski, and State Senator Scott Fitzgerald on their victories last night.
Also, I would like to congratulate my friend and partner, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus for his leadership and commitment to the recall elections in his home state of Wisconsin.
The people of Wisconsin have spoken above the shouts of the Democrats and union activists. Their message is clear: performance counts.
Scott Walker promised he would balance the state budget and ask public employees to pay a small fraction for their generous benefits. The Governor did what he said he would do. Now, unions and Democrats have wasted millions of dollars on senseless recall elections. What do they have to show for it? Failure.
Democrats brought a real war on women into Wisconsin with their attacks on Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. What do they have to show for these attacks? Failure.
After yet after another attempt to change Wisconsin's State Senate, the result is the same. Failure.
Last night Wisconsin taxpayers told the unions and Democrats to stop the madness. In November, Republicans and Mitt Romney will succeed where Democrats have failed by winning the hearts and minds of those who think job creation and a balanced budget are good idea