Wednesday, June 20, 2012

NYT's Frank Bruni After Obama's G20 Press Conference: 'He Doesn't Seem In Command'

Shortly after the press conference ended, Morgan played a clip from the event and said to Bruni, “He looks a little bit on edge, the President, at the moment. A little less self-assured and calm.” - Newsbusters

“Well, right there, I mean, he looked really de-energized,” responded Bruni. “I was watching him, you know, as he stepped to the podium. One of the whole advantages of being President, of being the incumbent, is you get those settings – the flags behind you, the podium. You get the international audience.”

“And he strode out there,” Bruni continued, “and the cadence of his speech was very slowed down. There was a lot of hemming and hawing. He got the first question from the press and answered, that answer went on and on and on, and he provided this really strange tutorial on European economic dynamics, and I just, I don’t think that’s what he went to do when he went to that microphone.”

Bruni put an exclamation point on this critique adding, “He doesn’t seem in command.”