Friday, June 8, 2012

National Day of Blogger Silence

Going dark to urge congressional action: Who will protect the freedom to blog?... Free speech is under fire. Online thugs are targeting bloggers (mostly conservative, but not all) who have dared to expose a convicted bomber and perjuring vexatious litigant now enjoying a comfy life as a liberally-subsidized social justice operative. Where do your elected representatives stand on this threat to our founding principles? - Michelle Malkin

National Day of Blogger Silence -- This Friday - Ace Of Spades
Won’t back down: Amidst threats, National Bloggers Club announces Aaron Walker appeal; blogs to crank up pressure on Congress - Michelle Malkin
memeorandumBloggers protest bizarre court ruling in Walker case, SWATting - HotAir ◼ Day-By-Day is darklToday Is “Free Speech Friday”: Shine the Spotlight on Those Who Suppress ExpressionFreedom Isn't Free: Support Bloggers Being Harassed By Thuggish Sociopaths Like Brett Kimberlin #BrettKimberlinSilenceWithout Bloggers…. You would be in the dark. The media doesn’t tell the truth anymore, it’s up to citizen journalists who believe in free speech and truth telling to make sure that we as a society do not descend into the dark hole of lies.

@AceOfSpadesHQ BREAKS SILENCE: #BrettKimberlin’s Escalating Threat - The Other MCain

Ace of Spades has broken his daylong silence to warn against my sanguine confidence, urging Congress to act swiftly to thwart Kimberlin’s familiar pattern of escalation:
Brett Kimberlin will not be stopped by scrutiny. Even when he was a suspect in the Speedway Bombings, and being followed by agents of the FBI — and he knewhe was being followed — he continued to conduct his large-scale drug smuggling operation. While being investigated for the Speedway Bombings, he was arrested independently for procuring false military ID. And then, having been arrested (and released) for procuring false military ID, he was arrested for smuggling tons of marijuana into America.

The fact that the FBI was watching him didn’t seem to matter. He considers them stupid; he always thinks he’s one step ahead of them. The fact that he has frequently been arrested and caught does not seem to enter into his reasoning.