Thursday, June 7, 2012
Here is a map of party control state by state:
◼ at Ace of Spades
◼ Turnout, Turnout, Turnout: The "Superiority" of the Democrat's GOTV is No More.
Always watch the WOW. Republicans as a unified front turnout out more voters than the Democrats could even hope to do, expanding Walker's margin over 2010 in both the raw margin and percentage of the overall vote, despite increased turnout in Milwaukee and Dane Counties.
This is the model and the end result of total unity across the party- you had the establishment GOP funneling money and manpower into the race under the RNC and the RGA, you had grassroots manpower courtesy hundreds of TEA party groups in the state and from across the country, coordinated phone-banking and explosive use of social media, efficient and effective absentee ballot distribution, immediate response to Democratic attacks, effective dismantling of false polling and "momentum" memes by those on the right inside and out of the traditional media, everyone focused on one single goal: keep Governor Walker in Wisconsin.
The Democrats' "superiority" in social media, in GOTV, in WINNING is as big a lie as the Lake poll showing the race "all tied up". The results last night make that glaringly obvious. If we attack from a united front, we win.
The question now is not can we do this in November, but do we want to. If the answer is a resounding yes, that we really want this, then it isn't a question how the Presidential race will turn out. DWS bragged this was a "test-run" for November.
You're damn right it is.