Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Barack Obama - The Amateur

Governor Mike Huckabee interviews author, Ed Klein, about his book,"The Amateur", which is a not-so-flattering and revealing biography about Barack Obama, with lots of named people who have contributed information to the book.

"“I’ve been a reporter for 50 years and I decided that this was a phenomenon I needed to investigate. Here’s a guy that came out of nowhere, an African-American senator who had accomplished nothing, had no experience, somehow hypnotized millions of people into voting for him and then gets into the White House and it’s the first time we’ve ever seen anything like this: an amateur in the White House.

"To me it was a great story, a story that need to be told because it had a direct impact on the future of our country.”

The Amateur, by Edward Klein at Newsmax
The Amateur [Kindle Edition] at Amazon