◼ The need to deal with the growing fiscal dangers facing our nation is not going away, and neither are we. - Patrick Gavin/Politico
First, some background: After the former senator and his colleague Erskine Bowles (authors of the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan) were protested against earlier this year in California by members of the California Alliance for Retired Americans, Simpson whipped off a harshly-worded letter to the organization (sample quote: “What a wretched group of seniors you must be to use the faces of the very people that we are trying to save, while the ‘greedy geezers’ like you use them as a tool and a front for your nefarious bunch of crap.”)
...Then, in reaction, Nancy Altman and Erin Kingson, the co-directors of Social Security Works, penned an open letter to Simpson on the Huffington Post in which they rebuked Simpson for his harsh language....
Now, Simpson is pushing back again. He’s written a response to Altman and Kingson, which he emailed to the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein and then forwarded to POLITICO. It is pasted in full below, with the more, er, colorful moments highlighted for those looking for Simpson at his sauciest: At the link