Tuesday, May 8, 2012

White House offers ‘Congress to do list’, citizens respond

◼ whitehouse.gov Tweeted: Today, President Obama travels to @CNSE to call on Congress to act on a #CongressToDoList that will create jobs: pic.twitter.com/4VJj2Jd7 - Twitchy.com

Twitter picks up the slack and helps out the President with his ‘to do’ list.

Find AG Holder in Contempt and start squeezing #DoJ from the bottom up #CongressToDoList

“@emzanotti: Pass a budget? Nahhhhh. #congresstodolist” but it's so haaaard.

Funny, voting against the student loan interest rate hike wasn't on Obama's #congresstodolist when he was IN Congress.

"It does pay to get on Twitter. Every voice counts. And yes, Twitter is a political battlespace. Get on it." Michelle Malkin