With more than three-quarters of the vote counted, the winner had attracted 60 percent of the vote to Lugar's 39 percent in a race that showed the power and influence of outside groups, the liabilities now associated with having a long congressional career, and a Republican electorate trending more conservatively in Indiana.
The contest, though, was always about Lugar: Observers noted than any enthusiasm surrounding this race involved sending the incumbent into retirement.
The 60-year-old Mourdock will face three-term Democratic Rep. Joe Donnelly in November. The fiscally conservative Republican has been elected to state-wide office twice, and is favored to win the seat, especially as the state is trending red in the presidential election.
◼ Richard Mourdock wins Indiana primary - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
◼ Watch Richard Mourdock’s full victory speech after defeating Dick Lugar - The Right Scoop
◼ Lead Story - Eye on Indiana and Wisconsin; Update: Lugar defeated; Barrett to face Walker - Michelle Malkin
◼ Hey West Virginia, you’ll get yours my pretty, and your little federal inmate too - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Update: ◼ DrewM at Ace of Spades HQ has a pertinent observation:
Democrats are pretty mad about two states today, North Carolina over Amendment One and West Virginia over the felon vote. Keep in mind a few facts: Both states have Democratic governors, 3 or their 4 Senators are Democrats, Obama won North Carolina and picked that state to host his renomination convention.
Damn Rightwing nutters!