◼ Bill Ayers to students: Join me and help drive NATO out of Chicago on May 20 - Morgen Richmond/HotAir
...this is unlikely to end well for the protesters, although the Chicago police are cordoning off so much of the city that Ayers and his mob may not be able to get arrested even if they try. Ultimately this all seems more than a little pathetic. With most of the Bush anti-war left exposed as the hypocrites they are under President Obama, Ayers has been left with no other option but to try to rally the occupy movement in support of this cause. Occupy is mostly drawn from the same crowd so I’m sure they will be game. And if there is any violence next week more likely than not it will be the anarchists from occupy instigating it. But now you know who will be pulling the strings.
Actually my favorite part of this clip comes right at very beginning when Ayers says: “the opposite of moral is not immoral, the opposite of moral is indifference“. This is the underlying liberal belief system in a nutshell isn’t it? There is no objective good or evil, or right or wrong. The only real sin is not to care and so long as you are motivated by this conviction then any action is justifiable....