◼ "Gay for pay." - Althouse
◼ "Obama's reversal on same sex marriage comes just days after donors threatened to withhold funds." - Washington Free Beacon
◼ Running for the Illinois state senate from a trendy area of Chicago in 1996, he was for gay marriage. - Weekly Standard via Drudge
“I favor legalizing same-sex marriages,” he wrote in answer to a questionnaire back then. In 2004, he was running for the U.S. Senate and needed to appeal to voters statewide. So he evolved, and favored civil unions but opposed homosexual “marriage.” In 2008, running for president, he said, “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.” Now in 2012, facing a tough reelection campaign where he needs energized supporters of gay “marriage” and has disappointed them with his refusal to give them his support, he is for it.
◼ The Influence Industry: Same-sex marriage issue shows importance of gay fundraisers - Washington Post
◼ Hope and Change Go Gay
Of course, as ◼ Ace of Spades pointed out earlier, Obama had stated his support for gay marriage as early as 1996:
Answering a questionnaire in 1996, he wrote: “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages,and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.”With the slavish assistance of the media, Obama has been conveniently permitted to pretend to be “moderate” on an issue where his actual position has always been radical.
What is pathetic, as I say, is that everybody knows Obama could not have won even the Iowa caucus in 2008 if he had been campaigning as openly pro-gay-marriage — that is to say, clearly to the left of Hillary Clinton on this issue.
In order to enhance his “viability,” the media bit their tongues and looked the other way while Obama engaged in a flimflam charade of moderation. He would have carried on that dishonest scam as long as necessary to win the general election, except that his big-money gay donors threatened to cut him off. And what his media idolators now will celebrate as another “gutsy call” never would have happened otherwise!
◼ #LandOfTheGullible - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion