The blowback from Democrat strategist Hilary Rosen's remarks against stay-at-home moms reached a fever pitch this morning, kicking the campaign into massive damage control mode. Last night David Axelrod and Jim Messina threw Rosen under the bus and this afternoon Michelle Obama joined them.◼ Hilary Rosen, Frequent White House Visitor
A Democratic consultant with ties to the Obama administration sneering that Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life” is an opportunity for the Romney campaign, but a small problem in the big picture. In the big picture, women who are unable to find work in Obama’s economy are a bigger one.◼ WAS HILARY ROSEN THE OBAMA SPIN DOCTOR BEHIND SANDRA FLUKE? - it is increasingly likely that Rosen was the PR genius advising the DNC and Obama behind the scenes. - Breitbart News
Having said that, White House visitor logs indicate that “Hilary Rosen” visited the White House 35 times.
Gen. David Petraeus, head of our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the current CIA director, nine times.
UPDATE: ◼ (Barack) Obama Says Rosen's Comments on Ann Romney Were 'Ill-Advised' - FOX