◼ And the Crisis Winner Is? Government, From Greece to Washington to New York state, there's no effective mechanism to control spending. - David Malpass/Wall St. Journal
Across Europe and the United States, the fiscal crisis is setting up an epic battle among government services, pensioners, government employees, creditors and taxpayers. There is simply not enough money coming in to pay all the promises politicians have made. The shortfalls and fights are challenging our democracies and shifting wealth from the private sector to ever bigger government....
Governments on both sides of the Atlantic are trying to use the crisis to grow rather than shrink. News of Europe's fiscal incompetence abounds, but Washington had no budget at all in 2010 or 2011 and the federal deficit grew at record pace. President Obama sailed through 2011 without any significant spending cuts or government downsizing.
With year-end approaching, the federal budget horizon has contracted to two weeks. Common practice is for Congress and the president to spend as much as possible in December and then adjourn, hoping voters will forget about it after New Year's Eve....