Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Courage Of Pamela Geller – An American’s War Against Islamic Jihadists & The Stealth Jihad Of CAIR

(T)here’s one shining example of a person in the form of a gallant woman by the name of Ms. Pamela Geller, who knows this material like the back of her hand. This dispatch is also an ode to her struggle to get America, as well as, American Jews to wake up.... - Scott Pollack/The Critical Post – Chicago

Pamela Geller is a beautiful, (soul and otherwise) and glamorous siren songstress of reason in a sea of Muslim, as well as, liberal confounded argument. She’s the only woman in the American popular culture, doing what she does, that we have been able to find. There are those who consider her courageous stance against the Muslim counterculture currently gripping at the underbelly of the American fabric, as bigoted, unreasonable and far beyond the pale.

Pam has been a guest commentator and entertained by many in the media, right, left (tacitly at best) and center. She is an award winner on the conservative side of the political spectrum, has co-written two books expounding her views. However, some we fear, has been entertaining her as merely a curiosity, and we think that is a grave mistake. Not only is Pam fighting for her four girls, She is fighting for you and your children. She is fighting and sustaining unfair comparison by uncritical thinkers, who we think are in a funk of ignorant tolerance and it is these folks who are more a danger to the American Collective Conscience, than Muslims themselves could ever hope to be. If you count yourself amongst them, that means you.... Read the whole thing.
Courageous Conservatives Episode #4: Pamela Geller - POH Diaries
Pamela Geller's New Book Is a Work of Love, not Hate - The People's Cube
The effective anti-jihad activist pays the price for disturbing the Left's delusions. - Oleg Atbashian/PJM
Pam's blog: Atlas Shrugs
Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance Available at Amazon