◼ Redistricting Maps Approved: Thompson Out - Ryan Burns at The Journal
Congressman Mike Thompson’s home of St. Helena has been excised from our district (along with Clearlake, Napa and Davis) in favor of hoity-toity Marin County... Humboldt County still falls within the district boundaries of State Senator Noreen Evans (D-Santa Rosa) and Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro (D-Arcata), though their respective political landscapes have shifted somewhat, with Evans’ district picking up Marin and Del Norte counties and Chesbro’s acquiring a hunk of Santa Rosa.◼ New Calif. political maps to favor Democrats - Times-Standard
The citizens commission established by voters to create an independent process for drawing California's legislative and congressional districts has delivered on its first set of maps, voting to adopt new boundaries that appear to increase the reach of majority Democrats.... Final certification is due by Aug. 15, allowing time for technical fixes.◼ California redistricting panel got earful about draft maps - LA Times
Passionate input from across California amounted to an extended conversation about what makes a community and what unites and divides the state's residents.