Earlier this week, President Obama said he couldn't be sure Social Security checks would go out on Aug. 3 if the debt ceiling weren't raised by Aug. 2. This was a scare tactic intended to frighten seniors, and thus Congressional Republicans. Mr. Obama has yet to present publicly a list of cuts in federal costs he will support. He insists that a package must include tax increases, not because they are needed to reach a cost-reduction goal, but because he believes in income redistribution. Republican negotiators have said they would agree to some revenue raising by way of curbing some subsidies, exemptions and deductions, but not an increase in tax rates when the economy is as weak as it is. Thus, the two sides should be able to come together. It is time for the president to engage in straight-forward negotiating. This is no time for political bluffing. He knows the Social Security checks will go out, come what may.
Peter Hannaford
Chairman, Humboldt County Republican Party